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3 are arrested in the Dutch Museum

Three people have arrested in connection with a museum in the holiday in the bowls above the golden bore on the loan on the loan from romania.

The three people were arrested in heerhughaard, a northern city of Amsterdam and more than 100 km to the DrentS Museum of the police identified two of them As Douglas Chesleytttyt and Bernhard Zeeman, both of heerhugowaard. The police identified the third person that was arrested as a woman, even the same city but has by his name.

The police said they had sought homes in heerhugowaard but that the stolen pieces do not find they would find. The authorities said they were also looking for a fourth person in connection with theft. They have released Three survival pictures D’the man who brings of glasses and a dark shirt and a ball hat that they say were taken in a hardware store in axis.

“This is an absolute priority of the police and public procurer,” the police said in a statement. I am

Saturday morning, shut the heavy access door to enter the Museum drents. Wheat footage from a survival camera showed three captured figures trugging to the door before an explosion and a fat of spread. The authorities say it was part of a elaborate effort to free the museum and history and flee some of their treasures.

Heard the artifacts that have been taken, the authorities said, the golden tarrags of two-lire eater, tailing to the great sides across the top and represents different scenes, including someone sacrifice a lamb.

The child’s a child, it’s best known to Romaniary and is believed in a cerems, data for the time of old dacians, who has left the bolic region. It has been between many gold products that were displayed as part of a range of the museum of the national story of Romania. The items were on the display at the Museum Drents From the 20th of July. I am

Authority refused to add a monetary figure to stolen goods. The Roman officials have said its value to Romania culture was “incalculable.”

After heist, Harry Tupanu, Dream Drinks, told to a nation-handed statement in ACCEN National Rumina’s Museum.

“We intensely disappointed by the adventures last night”, said. “In its 170 years old existence, there has never been nonsuted such major.”

National Director of the National Happy Museum Manufacturer was fired after I was refused to, According to reports in Roman media. I am

The Dutch police sayed in his statement that his eay his camping, past participles and tounces under the public had led to the arrest. They also retrieved a lot of clothes in Assen, where the heist has done.

The drents’ museum said in a statement on Wednesday that was “very pleased with the news hope to relate to the arrests.”

“The safe side of the stolen arthicies would be a fantastic next step for all involved,” he said. “Not only for us, but especially for the ruminations.”

2025-01-31 01:27:00

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