66 million-year vomit has discovered by fossil hunter in Denmark: “Really one finds an unusual”

A piece of fossilized vitle, return date when dinious robbed, was discovered in Denmark, the zaland astra museum said Monday.
A local Fossil Hunter’s Fossil Fossiled Stevns, a UNESCO Southern List of Copenhagen.
While out on a walk, Peter Binicke found some unusual fragments, who turned by lily pieces in the sea, in a piece of galk.
Then he took the frames with a museum for examination, who gave the vomiting by the end of the grass of the grass of age 76 million years ago.
According to the experts, the wander contains at least two sea-species, probably eaten by a fish that has titled the parts that could not digest.
“That kind of finding … it is considered very important when they recount the past ecosystems because providing important information about which animals were eaten by which,” museum they have told a Picture of picturethat also included an image of the fossip.
Zecaland’s Museum
Paleontologist Jesper Milanone salty to discover as “really a unusual find,” adding help for a string in prehistoric food chain.
“Sea parks are not a particularly nutritious diet, how much mainly compounds for calcare conforms from a few bites”, he said.
“, Njimi is an animal, probably
According to UNESCOThe Stevns’s recover offers the exception of the chicxulub meteor’s impact about 65 million approximately 65 months of they believed to have caused the end of the dinosai.
Researchers studied ancient regurgitive remains first. Last November, the scientists used fossic fools and vomit from poland to try to determine who eaten which 200 million years ago, the associated picture reported. I am
In 2018, researchers discovered the fossilized vomit during a duty in southeast, Science Live reported. I am In a study published in 2022 in the newspaper PaleaosThose scientists reported to find salamanders and frogs in the vomit.
2025-01-27 19:44:00