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9 Simple Yoga Poses for Better Sleep

What sleep tricks have you tried? Many of the most popular options have promising results, e.g reading in bed or being soothing tea. But finding the one that works best for you after a few tries can be frustrating. One you might not think of is light yoga. It’s one of our favorite calming activities before bed.

There’s some science behind why yoga can help you sleep better. Yoga and breathing techniques help calm your nervous system, which puts your body in a more relaxed state, ideal for helping you fall asleep. However, you need to know the right poses for this to happen because not all poses will help you with your sleep problems. The key is to do relaxing activities that help calm your body and clear your head.

If you’ve been eyeing yoga as a solution you’ve been wanting to try, keep reading to see our top yoga poses for better sleep.

Try these for more natural ways to get better sleep seven sleep aids for insomniaor check with us Sleep tips from CNET’s health editors.

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How yoga can help you sleep

Sleep tips

Yoga, like any form of exercise, can be a beneficial way to relieve and relieve stress. Research shows that Practicing yoga can lower cortisol levelsstress-related hormone. The degree of cortisol reduction can vary depending on factors such as the frequency and intensity of yoga practice. In addition, some studies have shown promising results regarding the effects of yoga on depression symptoms. Yoga can complement traditional treatment approaches and improve overall well-being.
So what does this mean for your sleep? well, cortisol levels significantly affect sleep patterns. High cortisol levels often make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. A Research conducted in 2019 It has found that incorporating yoga into your routine can have a positive effect on treating and alleviating the symptoms of insomnia. These findings suggest that practicing yoga may offer potential benefits for improving sleep quality and overall sleep health.

9 yoga poses to try before bed

These poses are for any level of experience and are easy enough for beginner yogis. As you move through these poses, remember to focus on your breath and where you feel the most tension in your body. Breathe and try to relax if you feel any discomfort. Go through these poses for about 20-30 minutes before going to bed.

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1. Cat-cow pose

To get into this pose, start on your hands and knees. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart and your knees below your hips. Take a deep breath and tilt your head towards the ceiling, while at the same time raise your pelvis, which should imitate a “cow”. Then, as you inhale, arch your back and lower your head and pelvis like a “cat”. You can repeat these two actions several times before moving on.

2. Bend forward

This pose is as easy as standing straight and bending over to reach your toes. If you can, put your hands on the floor. If you can’t touch your toes, you can do a half forward bend and hold them under your knees. Looking for trouble? Try to reach around your ankles and grab them. Make sure your back is straight and take deep breaths.

3. Bridge pose

Begin by lying on your back, legs and arms extended, and on the floor. Take a deep breath, lift your core off the ground and bring your arms close to your body for balance. Your knees should be at a 90 degree angle. Your hands can be out straight or you can bring them together under your core.

4. Happy baby

Since you start this pose on your back, it is an easy pose to move into after the Bridge. Lift your legs up to the ceiling and slightly beyond your shoulders (or as far as you can go). Then grab the outside of your feet with both hands. Gently slide left and right to relieve tension in your lower back.

5. Feet to the wall

For this pose, you need to clear a space next to the wall. Facing the wall, lie on your back and raise your legs or raise your hips with your arms. Your hips can be against the wall or slightly away. Once you get into a comfortable place and feel your balance, extend your arms to your sides. This pose is great for depression and improve your circulation.

6. Child’s pose

You can start this pose by kneeling or getting up on your hands and knees. Place your feet under your hips and bring your head close to the floor. Extend your arms in front of you, lengthening your spine. The farther you reach, the better the stretch is for you.

Woman doing yoga on mat

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7. Seated twist

If you’re coming out of Child’s Pose for this next one, sit back and stretch your legs out in front of you. Cross one leg over the other, bringing the heel of the crossed leg into your outer thigh. Cross your body with the opposite arm and bend yourself by pushing the raised knee with the elbow. Bend and breathe. Repeat with the other side before continuing.

8. Butterfly pose

Correct your posture from a sitting position and press the soles of both feet together. Place your hands on your legs and try to press your hips as low as possible. The lower you go, the greater the stretch. If you’re looking for more of a challenge, bring your legs closer to your body.

9. Head-knee pose

This is the basic pose. Start in a seated position with your feet in front of you. Bring one foot to the inner thigh of the opposite leg and extend your hands over the extended leg. Sit up taller, take a deep breath and hold your leg in front of you. If you can’t quite reach your foot, no problem: grab your ankle or the back of your knee. Lean into the tension and try to bring your forehead to your knees. Repeat on the opposite side.

Still want more? Learn how to get some the sun can improve sleepwhat foods to eat happiness increases and how Scandinavian way of sleeping can save your relationship.

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