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Quora Po now lets users create and share custom AI -operated applications


Enlightenment PPSThe feature allows POE users to describe the app that wants to create a new app creator tool. The descriptions may include mention of specific models that they want to use the app – e.g. -M noOr Google’s video-generating I see 2 – or wider, more common specs.

Po app maker
The new app maker tool, which turns descriptions into AI-powered web applications.Image credits:Genitalia

Application Creator, which is operated by recently published anthropic Cloud 3.7 SonnetThe application translates the description into the code for the interface with the custom logic expressed in Javascript. POE applications can run as well as a Pony chatbot window or have a complete scene, and their underlying code is open to manual adjusting and fine-tuning.

Quora created some example applications, including the app that transforms the photo into a 3D anime-style art, using OpenAI GPT And Black forest laboratory‘Flux -Pro -1.1. Another example is the application that removes unwanted substances from images by giving the benefit of the Bria-Aeraser model.

Quora says, on the web for now, POE. Applications are given other P.O. Can be shared with users (iOS and Android support are on the way, says Quora). Each time an application uses the AI ​​model, it will draw a user’s point balance with POE. Free users get daily points allocation, while users get flexible daily or monthly point packages to the premium tire of 999.99 PE.

Image credits:Genitalia

In the blog postQuora, who noticed that the application maker is available at the initial access cess price for a limited time, is indicated on possible application monetization options.

The company wrote, “This is an early projection and we have a long roadmap to give creators more power to the creators, including the ability to make money directly from their applications.” “We are excited to see what you all make. As the models continue to get better in the writing code this year, we are excited to see how good we are to create POE applications. “

Po apps, which extend Web Apps Facility Po has launched last JulyThere are many like anthropic artifacts and OpenAI’s chatagpt canvas tools: dedicated workspace where users can edit and add AI-generated content such as code and documents. While applications can produce these types of tools, it certainly shows how far the models’ programming capabilities have come.,675

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