Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

Michael sran sorf to $ 21b to $ 21b to purchase $ 21b

Майкл Сорлордун стратегиясы, Дүйнөнүн эң ири корпоративдик корпоративдик корпоративдик битүүчүсү, BTC сатып алуу үчүн жаңы капиталга чейин 21 миллиард долларга чейин көтөрүлүп, жаңы борбордук борборго чейин көтөрүлүп турууну көздөп жатат.

March 10, officially published The new covenant included in the new covenant, including the new trading agreement, which allows 8% of the firm, including potential potential (Btcbuy in.

Under the agreement “ATM program” under the agreement of the agreement, “the ATM program” is a long term “ATM program”, considering the price of a period, which is considered to be considered.

“Strategy intends to use general corporate objectives of ATM and the ATM and the ATM and the purchase of net purchases,” said the Firm Firm, Securities and Exchange Commission (sec).

The announcement is arising Strategy Holding 499,096 BTC (41.2 billion. USD), and it is $ 33.1 billion for $ 66.423 dollars worth $ 66.423.

The company has been planning to publish and sell overall shares of its class Up to 21 billion dollars to increase and in the next three years, $ 21 billion for the last three years to accumulate BITCO, to accumulate bitkower in the past three years.

If this developing event, and further information is added, adds more information.

Magazine: Crypto “No one can cover” before you grow up for 4 years to grow up “: KAIN WARWICK, INFINEX