Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

24/7 BTC, this is accidental to launch futures

Coinbase published It plans to offer 24/7 trade for Bitcoin on March 10 (Btc) and ether (MeatFutures for the US residents. The exchange is still carried out by a time process.

In the case, most of the current crypto derivory derivatives may create contracts that will create inequality, except for US border. “

Futures are a derivative expression of a contract that can be contract or selling a contract for participation in a certain price and date. The futures is called the day when the day will be transferred to the purchase and sale of an asset forever futureor “forever” for shorter.

Due to the future, the future has led to a lot of changes to refusal to trade in the CRIPTO. His announcement said he was working with mezetra Trade Fedeuctory Trade Commission for accuracy. The agency controls all goods related to goods for goods to ensure these products. “

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In September 2023, the Cripto Distance market arrived at $ 1.3 trillion according to There are much more than the alphate point, the spectrum crypto market. The United States will be guided by US trade for centralized derivatives.

Mamen’s waum competition in the derivative market of the United States

Coinbase New services are part of different companies, including CMUs, and the derivation of the United States 2024 BCE $ 6.1 billion. In the last quarter of 2024, the average annual trade volume for CPP group was about $ 10 billion. However, derivatives are only available to trade six days a week.

In February 2024, the salary in February, LIN Martin, the financial worker LIN Martin, said Lin Martin “was among the largest contracts” in the day.

Published in January could be competitive than the competitor’s competition Planning to offer Bitcoin and Ether Futures. ConpeeBase already, “For US residents in the markets of the US residents” for US residents.

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