Business News

The Argentine inflation has seen a little growth in February – Reuters poll

Buenos Aires (Reuters) – the monthly inflation of Argentina, a little higher than the chief shown in analysis recover on

Consumer’s price index (CPI) is expected to have raised 7.4% in February, according to the medium estimate from 24 reutle analsezes. If confirmed, that will marry an increase in 2.2% January.

Argentina, a principal and commercial principal producer and emergently with triple-inflation in the past few years, to earn the world’s tightness of the world

That annual rate has masticuted 300% AIM have passed, but declined, finish 2024 to 118%. In monthly inflation, who dumped about 25% in December 2023, it was in 2% -3 of Intergo from October 2024.

“Government’s genuine of the 2% barrier is not carried out, and February, inflation may also accelerate”, said conversation ferra and report.

“ECTORS to get off the infringement inside the crowling fist in 1%, interchanged in exchange fees – which were added to moderate the indicator, but with limited, echo and added.

A survey of the marketpace (REM) carried out of the Central Ambala between the computer rate that is praying a rate of inflation 2.3% by February, with a 2% fee.

The Freedom Foundation Y Progress (LYP) noticed that during February Half, the Increase of CPIs were under January, driving to an expectation of an inflation.

“However in the second half of the month, increases the exceeding expectations to widely lead to food and especially, particular, especially,” he said.

Analysts have questioned waiting inflation to see a slight acceleration in March.

“In spite of the trends on the descent (of the CPI), a liticular is not expected, the beginning of the beginning of the key, economic clear, economatic, economatic in LYP.

(Standing Hernan Net and White Walter, NataliawSkki’s writing; Edit Chius Repsoyama)

2025-03-12 18:55:00

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