François Ponchaud, that authored the World in the Cambodie Abbodies, die on 86

The rev. François Pongaud, french small serr, no book “Cambogia: year of the world modern,”, we have provided in the life of 17 million 17son, France. Was 86.
His death has been reported by the mission company of the homework, which father ponchaud was a member. The company said that died in his withdrawal facility. Theuch uci was cancer, a friend, the same language it lingua word, he said to.
In 1975, to AA WARDCY WARCH, only sketchy of Khmer’s Horgor, and were stoleness by those in the west they want to put in conflicts.
Father ponchaught, a concerned in Cambodia and speaking glue in the language, was expelled in language, was the language, was the realm of Khmer Rouge has
The Khmer Rouge evacuated phnom – a caothic of the exodic – and for the next four years of tortlee with tort fields, where to the population were executed or died of starvation and l ‘overwork.
After his expulsion, Ponchaud father proposal to work with pick up with refugees from Thai or Proprive information
Their background starts with the french picture that were attached by the holidays tied to a romania of revolty of the French coio’s chicken.
The just ponchaud – deep and well-inertized and well-in-decked, with the deadlines, words
“Ponchaud came as a harassment to people who wish all of you are beautiful in an indoicing, with the” big new sunrise “and all that nonsense” David P. Chandlera breath of Cambodia, said in an interview.
“Everyone’s up in the edge was explained with Indodic and I have is exacted the 1975, and they didn’t know what had happened,” Mr chandler. “It was too much to handle it at the end of the 70s.”
The phrase “zero year” has taken public imagination, although the khmer rouge don’t use it. It was a description of power, however their story shutdown and culture in a country attempts the country and create a thorparenu utopareid’s pure.
To achieve this, the khmer Rouge started to exit the high government and asset to the pilot with them – the polite damage, members of the ethnic and Chinese and Chinese and Chinese and Chinese and Chinese.
Ponchaud Pocket Tested PHNOM’s PHNOM, what’s the guest patients, some wheels, have been forced in the tight.
“I Saw the Unspeakable Event,” HE TESTIFIED AT A SPONSORED AMAKE OF KHMER ROUGER BOADERS, I SAW THE COMPLED LIKE Worms to Front Right in Front of My House. “
The pounces convenient through the nationhirts, place the khmer rouge khmer’s bass members have revised people ink from the past and executed. Slaughter – or “self-butcher,” in the words of ponchaud’s words – eventually become regime caractistic.
“Honey to contract,.
In one of the books of the country’s book that has allowed the country, a woman said to climb a tree when she felt the khmer rouge and some were impoired. “
The book quote a refugee who said he worked in a hospital with 300 beds. “It was a spectative in the name just because of the sick, they were sent in how much their families would be at all instead of” a great number of people daily. The 20 or 30 people who run the hospital both rice and carried the corpses to bury. “
François Pressa was laughed in February 8, in the small country in the Alps in France having a Leon, serve as a general board.
Worked with their parents on his / her farm, “We had 12 cows and pigs; we had a lot of fruits, honey and tire the FNOM POSS IN 2013” The six brothers and six sisters , but six you are the priest. “
In 1959, after a man in a maginy, it was sent to fight in the separatory war in Algeria, serves for two years and a half years. Has taken parachute training but said never skipped in combat.
“I don’t like war” said to the post. “Now I think I would rather be killed or go to prison they take part in such a war, but I didn’t go to prison.”
After war, he is studying in a seminar and an ancient gregorian in Rome. It was sent in Cambodia aspsive in 1965 and served in the apostolic of Kampong Champ, until it was expelled with other strangers in 1975.
“I came to Cambodia to get to know people and help Cambodes are the value of his own racibre,” he said to the publication of church, in Ace News, in 2021.
“The main purpose helps people like these, wh, Jesus had to live and she tightly to live and if you love.” Opome is precious even if we look like it. We can travel together. It’s good news that we offer in Cambodia today. “
Added: “Buddha teaching, and meditation allowed to become a better Christian. Buddha helped me to know who God is.”
He learned the language and became so fluently who chose to testify in Khmer to the provers 2013 rather than in its native french.
Among other things, he told the judges that HENRY KISSINGERThe United States Security Council, must be tested to America’s secret bomb in 1969 and 1970, who took thousands of life and contributed to the rhyming khmer.
The khmer Rouge were finally in January 1979 from a Vietnamese invasion. Repracing sailing a civil war that have brought pain and destroy continuous to Cambodia until the end of the 300, when the last chief is unfairly.
Father Ponchau D returned to the 1993, set up a center of Cambodia and turned to France – Win at France, and returned to France in France 2051 due to sick health.
The populitants include their four brethren, Marie, Andr And Henri and Bernard.
2025-01-28 05:55:00