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President Al-Sharaa and No More Bathh Party: What else did Siria? | 0. The news of Syria war

Almost two months after Syria’s bass oruser, the former commander and Syria Ahmed Al-Sharaa was called President for a period of transitionThe Syrian media are reported.

“It’s a monumental day,” he said from the corresponding bin of Al Jazeera, reporting by Damascus. “Give more clarity for the journey because of this country because there was ambiguity on what this new administration went.”

What has been announced today?

The little news of News Syrons Scholarship, Cite Command Command Hasser Abdel Ghani, which al-Sharaa was called President until the elections are tints.

Al-Sharaa was also authorized to form a tedorative legislative board for the transigian phase, that will perform their task until a new constitution is adopted.

All military factories, including Syria’s forces, in Hayat Tahrir Al-Shaat al-Sharaa (HTS), as the country’s country and country’s for the country for over 60 of the al-Assad shot.

Ads are emerged during a meeting in Damask attended by armed groups that fight to HT-Sharaa HTS to Oust Al-Assad from 8 December.

“(Al-Sharaa) is they trying to remorse that where they have not only represented but also they will be part from a new Syria,” Bin Javaid said.

When will Syria hold elections?

We do not know how much time the transition period will be, as there is currently no schedule for the Syria to keep the elections.

Al-Sararaa has said before that organizes an election in the war country of war could take as four years.

Speaking with Saudcaster Rajecaster Alaabiya in December, Al-Sharaa said that demands a new constitution could take three years.

He said the elections had become after four years because a new census need to specify the number of voters eligible in the country.

“Every significant elections require that to drive a full population censel,” he said.

Who is Ahmed Al-Sharaa?

Al-Sharaa, that was previously known Abu Mohammed Al-JulianiIt was HTS’s head, a group that became the most powerful armed for weapons and drove the offensive culminate in the al-auster of December by December by December.

HTS was fourth an Affiliate of Al-Qaeda but has searched to moderate in recent years. Instead, al-Sharaa is located and his group as savage wild carpet of al-assault, who brutally repressed a bow with the first time that

Since the removal of al-Assad, HTTs has become the role party of the fact and has installed an interim government has composed of the officers from the local government in the IDLIB provide.

In recent week, al-sharaa met with The foreign leaders and it DiplomatiUnited Nations officials and it International Criminal Court KARART KARIM KARIM.

Would you still be under foreign sanctions?

This week, European ministers discussed the matter at a meeting in Brussels.

Some posts of the EUs, Sayria, Siona got up as part of a breath grapes to stabilize Damascus, France sirional oaker of France

The United States and EU introduced a series of Crypted sanutions On Syria in 2011, denying access to Damask to capital markets and trade income. Western restrictions in effect cut down The formal economy of Syria by the rest of the world.

Al-Sharaa and his government is clear to foreign leaders that the lifting sanctions is crucial to Syria’s future.

“These settled us with everyone allows you in all of the SERY society:” Bin Javaid said. “That will hurt or break the functions of economy, as it may be able to move forward.”

What was Barath Barath Party?

All the remit of the al-Assad regime will be dissolved, including the ancient constitution, and al-Assad Barath Barath Party. I am

The viewing party, whatever is the purpose was to unlaced by two national, Michel Afraid, in 1947. At the party the Arab city, Iraq and Syria.

In Syria, Bathh’s party have become surveyApponely associated with food in the al-acud in 1970. To deceive, family and the country and their ideology. Many senior military military members were by the minority of the family minority, and the party’s match was used as a cover to give a nationalist rather than a sectivia nature.

After ou the al-Assad, many members of the party leadership went down or down the country. In a simulating movement, the new Syria’s new antimanim in Damask in a center where the membership of the former membership and hand and his weapons.

2025-01-30 01:01:00

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