Werner optimistic after the hard q4

The managing from the detrants in Werner to be wizard some green shoulders on a Thursday calls, but the period was marked by unfavorable reclaims.
Werner (NASDAQ: Wern) Reported the fourth of the fourth release for 8 cents after the closed market, 14 cents under the consent’s estimate and 31 cents of lower age. The number included a $ 19 million, or 22 cents to share, from unfavorable changes in responsibility meeting.
The company said the “unrivaled resolution and litigation stilets” are coming to the operations of “close to 20 years of the US Department for the millions of miles.”
The Werner has made significant investment in the avoidance technology and has numerous initiatives of safety in place but a request wipes those efforts.
“You can’t have a phenomenic year, from, by, on the claims handle, always circleing a good result”
He noticed progress on the torturing the torture in some states but he said the industry also has a long road ahead to rewrite their insurance problems.
“We have to see the continued progress in the state level where we go to a room in the room in the room to be treated so few days, don’t wake up with $ 35-dozen.
Looking past the insurance insurance, he made a green deficiency in the truck of the truckload as an increase in bidding bid and movement for the rates of the place. He said different in the last two years, external impacts as the great winter storms that cause a reaction to reject and rate.
The company sees lower at the end of the hand-digit-digit increases until one-time offer season.
The EPS adpured the excluded result the items without gaining, costs of an insurance claim that has been appealing and earn from equity investments. Earnings on the sale of equipment, which is included in the number, they were 55% and / y to $ 1.4 million. (The lowest gain in sales were a 2-cent stick in a normal tax fiscal fee.)
I revenue in the TL segment declined 9% y / y to $ 527 million. Average lorries in service declined by a high-digit percentage in dedicated fleets and one-way. That was partially offset from a 5,1% increase for the week (excluding the fuel books) in one-time and a 1,1% increase in dedicated metric.
The Ratio TL reported a 96.9% of adjusted operator (reverse operating), 440-base points worse y / y. The jump in the insurance expense was an almost 400-bp margin for the segment during the quarter.
2025-02-07 03:15:00