Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

In the next decade, Part 1: behind the road

This is a new year, and the New Year, the New Year, the New Year, noted guarantees “what would happen in the 2020.” I wanted to go somewhat and look at the next ten years. However, first of all, I wanted to spend some time last (yes, I’m late, the blah blah)

Mountain and network security

In 2010, the network hobbies were provided by CPU, which was designed by a large-awarest an actor. In early 2020, he will provide billions of dollar hardware, in billions of dollars (in the sky, but in the sky, in the sky, to use collective power energy of collegial electricity. For 10 years, the mechanism of security for the industry for the industry Consumer mechanism consumer mechanism consumer operating and professional operation of specialized ASIC devices.

Protocol processing

In 2010, you may send a bitcoin to public keys (or IP addresses), not UTXO, transactions, UTXO), and Op_return because of yes. Yes, I know the system of the scenario, and then I know what happened in practice. In 2020 … I think I’m a shot:

  • Use P2Sh to send less cheaper scenarios (bridge scenarios) to the side of sending.
  • Actual block or unix time.
  • It is a jointly cleaning UTXO, a relative ends or a unique time.
  • Eliminate, not for the second-layered protocols / chains, but to build transactions destroying TXides. (Also, to make a new scenario to make a new scenario with segitation with their own version, you can add new scenario. Use new Witnesses and allow new Witnesses. Use new features, allowing new Witnesses in place of new functions.)
  • The second layer operated by the eight layers made in Segwit, using the key version of the key versus of the key version of the lightning protocol, was developed in Segwit.
  • The actual processed and / or placed sides where it can be developed and tested.

Ten years have been released a appetation of aquatic network network and a blonde building the main foundation of the blame. It is especially difficult to try to update and promote the idea of ​​renewal, especially on how to update it, and then to implement and promote these updates.

Political urgency

In 2010, there was a little tomb in the Bitcoin radar. There is cia only Noticed and expressed interest in him. Their response, given in the developer, shakes, trembling, leads to the loss of satush. In addition, the people did not pay attention, and politicians did not pay attention, most agencies were ignored (other than the alphabet that we don’t know now). Bitcoin is nothing.

In 2020, Bitcoin has completely dispersed a market and industrial that had risen hundreds of dollars. The exchange of trade logoes from trade fees. Mineering was jointly working together for its operational investments, and it has been working together for billions of dollars. Hundreds of millions of people, hundreds of millions of millions of people will have Bitkoine (which are very vague). To go to CIA, we have different meanings to gain paramone government around the world to discuss the macro-economic and geopolitical effects. The nations have created Cryptoptoption. Nations sanctioned CrapTourturncy addresses. They are officially on the table. In 2010, he paid attention to the agency alone (we know), and now the whole world is paying attention.

Everything has changed. As a metaphor, it is better to stop the train.

(This is just part 4, Part 4, read the next section in the morning).

This is the guest post of Shinory. These ideas are completely themselves themselves, and they do not necessarily reflect BTC Inc or Bitcoin magazine.

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