Small tech
I always see the debates when it is better to be a cog in a giant semi-monopoly, or to take money in the investment in hopes of a giant semi-monopoly.
Role models are important. So I’m making a list of small companies I admire. Not giants or start – people who just make a living software in writing their own terms.
SQLite is a blessing proof that you do not need a thousand engineers with an impact. It’s around since the first 90s, one of Most were sent Software pieces existing and widely respected for this Unique Modetology of Test. However it was written nearly some of the few people:
jamie@machine:~/sqlite$ git shortlog -s -n | head -n 5
14012 drh
4297 dan
1663 danielk1977
1099 mistachkin
175 shane
Their growth plans:
Hwaci is a small company but also holds it and debt no debt and has low costs of healing, which in most of the buy-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-over-overs-turn. Hwaci wants to continue to operate in its present form, and in almost current size up to less than the year 2050. We hope you are here, even if that need in the future.
SQLite is also interesting because even the code open source they operated in a cathedral model, generally Refuse or rewrite External contributions.
Pinboard is a person’s operation that makes a strong year of income in the year Since 2010. Anything else left enough free time to go around Teach politicians How to Hack and Explanation of Senate Privacy. All the while while Destroy his competition Using advanced tactics such as Listen to his customers and do not operate a loss.
But if Maciej didn’t do anything else on this list for her beautiful talk Almost succeed! It’s easy!
We live in an extraordinary time when small teams (or even lonely programmers) successfully compete against internet giants. But while the last few years saw the explosion of product ideas, more less change how a business is building. Silicon Valley is injured in a vanishing ‘grow or die’ mentally over danger, while investors reject fraudulent, interesting projects for practical practicality. So who needs investors?
I’ll talk about some alternative definitions to success more achievable (and more fun!) Than Silicon Valley Casino. It turns out to be smaller offering some stunning advantages, not just the daily work experience, but to sell customers to love your project. Best of all, there are many rooms at the bottom.
If your goal is to make the meaningful work you love, you can be closer to knowing your dreams than you think.
Another single-person operation, tarsnap is worthwhile Since 2009 And not showing no signs to go anywhere, even if it’s down the prices for many years while storing is cheaper. I have been saved on several occasions and it is very simple, reliable and cheap I think nearly like a utility – a pants with an outage not to go out with my taps.
One of the most interesting things about tarsnn so it can quickly make additional money. If tarsnn has investors or shareholders, they have Colin has been forced to do this. In other words, the only reason Colin will continue to run the business class that he want Running is that he owns it completely and noone can force him to maximize profits.
Version 1.0 exits 2008 and they will still improve today, enough to make Hire an additional developer and Launch a separate product.
The odd is important for keeping in spite of the many open-source competition in a field where people hate to pay for tools. As Tristan Hume TotalIt is just the editor who has managed to stay fast and steady while still supporting a large pluginstem. This type of final final final can be one of the main advantages for smaller teams with high horizon.
Zig is around Just a few years But I admire the quality of thinking and engineering entering it.
The Zig Software Foundation is a non-profit, which is now funded fully to donations and work to use a second full-time developer. It is clear that they choose to be a non-profit because of anxiety how incentives to profit in the daily making decisions:
In you did not have a boss, Paul Graham made an analogy between the animals of the zoo (employees) and animals in the wild (startup falsity). I think he’s on something, but when you start a start, you still have a boss. In fact, you have the same boss. At the end of the day, it is an inevitable fact that you need to do what makes a profit, for shareholders.
The difference in incentives makes a structure difference around each side of an organization. Windows users awake one day and find ads in their start menu. Do you try Debian Linux to put ads in any software? The concept is unreasonable.
Zig is clearly designed to be a Small, simple languagethat it is allowed to keep up to a small, committed team.
ZSF is a small organization and makes efficient use of money resources.
I don’t see the need to grow ZSF beyond a handful of people.
As maciej It is putOne of the advantages of a little bit that can tell you a human voice. It comes clearly from Zig team, who Real man Instead of being projecting some inappropriate faces of professionalism.
2025-02-17 20:36:00