A computer is never liable

A computer is never liable. This fixed page from an internal IBM training in 1979 cannot be more suited for our new AI age.
A computer is never liable
Therefore a computer should not make a management decision
Back to June 2024 me asks Twitter If there is any further information in the original origin.
It was found by one who undergoes the documents of their father’s work, and after being destroyed by a flood.
I give some time equivalent to IBM Archives but they can’t find it. Apparently it is usually in branch offices to make things not archived.
Here is the the answer Jony came back from IBM:
I believe the image was first shared online at This tweet by @BumbleBike in February 2017. Here’s where they testify It is from 1979 internal training.
Here is the Another Tweet from @bumblike From December 2021 about the flood:
Unfortunately flooded by the Flood of 2019 with most of my things. Asked retired club zooms last week, but no one at the right age left. Not sure where to ask.
2025-02-04 01:01:00