A field guide to Marvel multicolored Hulks

We all know the incredible hulk. I am That’s so big, they don’t like it when he is angry, and, natur I’m, it’s very, very green. But this is not the only banner Hue Bruce, or many more characters to take to the irradative monkey of Hulk, it was on the years. As the mcu prepare for Captain America: Brave New World To add the latest splash to their hulk palette in Thaddeus Ross’ Cause of crimson carnageHere is a brief escape of the codes of the codes from comics and beyond.

The occasional of many forms of hulk-a person’s alternative person’s banner that they charge witchcraft of witchcraft and even their own perspective of their own evening , the diavil hulk had a different training in through their appariances – this once went on 2018 IMORTAL HULCH as the dominant personality, following bruce’s death and resurrection after events of Civil War II-His debut marked this color significant color.
First appearance: 2000
Color Reason: Not saying, 3. To the most monstrous form, reptilize in comparison to regular hulk.

Several heroes over the years of them has learned the cosmic, of God as the sick of a hospital in the head, hulk included a bit. I’ll originally green when he was astolged, the enigma force bruce events for them, but also ritombated in a first time to arouse the power. The understanding is a increased force wildly, the Hulk has declared its new form that was ever, only for the riddle force to vacate a new host.
First appearance: 2005
Color Reason: The raised force, turn all their hosts with an oystal-topic makeup when they blend.

Many Alternate reality huts used an orange-aim of the steady orange, it’s owned “, he has believed to Bruce Banner has become supreme sorcerer, has succeeded separate their awareness from hulk and l ‘hello hell, turning the hulk in a burning suitcase aim in bruce body.
First appearance: 2011
Color Reason: The Hulk of the Age of the Apocalypse was orange to get their power from Solar radiation. Infernal Hulk, I am trying to demonically turn orange to be baned in hell.

Instead, there were a few instances of a hulk they turn purple. The first seen Bruce placed by supreme supragon of an alternally harness, during an adventures that with their defenders can be strange and last name. The other noteable one was not Bruce but Norman Osborn: who works after the Termeral Date of the Therman who used all the powers of winds included … and nearly killing themselves in the process. Out of comics, happy hogan became a purple hulk during the events of the And if you …? Brushed series, after being exposed to bruce radiatory blood.
First appearance: 1990
Color Reason: Demonic possession; Being stupid enough to absorb Multiple Eastern Adventers in a time.

A purpose version also had a role in a briefly that made up of the group and the fork, now in an appropriately-Ian shade. Slow, however, that such a reality has been the result of a wrine wade from Steven Rogers, rather than an actual event.
First appearance: 2020
Color Reason: Aiming brainwashing.

The last shade of hulk is a fool: in a serious alternate stories where you are choosing the way you are chosen the hulk, give the customs usually green a cosmic silver coating. Then it’s technically two colors at a time.
First appearance: 2025
Color Reason: The Power Cosmo, Granted by the Galactus to people considered enough worthy to become his herald.

There have been multiple creatures given the inverted name of “Kluh”, the first be a hulk of the hulk gray (more about whatever). But the Assets Event you were making a black version, rocked the Kluh, heard to be a Bruce, a transformation that at Hulk that is already to Bruce Banner. A similarly like “Hulk stronger” with black color appeared in 2022, doubt as titan, the unleted ID of hulk.
First appearance: 2014
Color Reason: Manage you successfully put the Hulk as long as it takes to piss banner banner in transforming the unwelcome personality inversion of the chaos).

Another deceit, as this coloring has only one appearance in a cucula story in the Tales strange Antology, next to a worse already cupors as part of Hulk’s team, an experienced government experienced to remove their regular sugar.
First appearance: 2009
Color Reason: Cloning, and a good gag on the Hulks Rainbow they never grow up.
Tone of the skin

Not any exposure to range radiation reveal someone of green characters have purchased hulk’s powers without any change in their skin color. The first Samson focret, armkature, a temple psychoice after that he had delivered to aize with the Hulma, he found Hulk, but only with his hair became green. Meanwhile, Marvel secured for the Cash-Real Tirrone Name Peliams Peliams – Another search partner with Bruce’s BRUTE before Hulk and eventually join the latter.
First appearance: 1971, 2010
Color Reason: The alternate exposure to radiation of range, prototype serum.

The Hulk Phowy started in comics as a gray decision made in an attempt to don’t relate a monstrous creature, rage of any ethnic group. But printing limit with gray in the time of distrusting a shadow – challenge to decision after some plenty of debut a tuna gray. But more than 20 years later on the gray hulk has become a character’s bully stap with the introduction of the pedic, but a powerful, but more version of hulk that retained another Intelligence level, the gray gray has adopted the Fixit’s Monkier, an ancient mobster
First appearance: 1962
Color Reason: Testing of Cytication, Manifesty of Dissophydivity ID.

The hulk we are to meet in the mcu, in the th wayful comicity has to transform you in a subtertuous group developed as intelligence-intelligence-made it revealed for several years. Ross’ Hulk Red huge felt, shunque was) skilled skills, but took, able to eject that energy as a farm exploses that energy. But while the red hulk was widely to ross’ schtick, there was a short moment during the events of IMORTAL HULCH Where Joe Fixit has been exposed to cosmic rays, absorb and merge with the green hulk to take a red heu.
First appearance: 2008
Color Reason: Experiment with a combination of radiation of range and cosmic rays.

Hulk we all know and love after its brief dally with gray in their debut. Bruce Born Processing Banner to radiation range creeps a “savage” bright green with the range of range that had saturated their body.
First appearance: 2000
Color Reason: Exposure to radiation of range during proof of an experimental weapon.
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2025-02-13 02:00:00