A letter open from project44 CEO JET MCANDLESS regarding mycarrier’s dispute

The express points here are only those of the author and do not represent things from the ori affiliate page.
Recent letter of mike bookout freightwaves is cheated and full of misrepresentations.
Here is the real story:
How many readers you know, I was an investor, “Ph34) and mercarrier focused on the ltl industry. In fact, data and p44’s degree have the myrarrier’s deck by his foundation in 2017.
From day 1, p44 licensed their data, apis and analytics to mycarrier to a substantial discount – value far away. We’ve done this investment because we believed in partnership and potential to transform LTL transport. For years, mycarrier was one of the most P44 users, re-relently on our technology, including hebol, which p44 launched in 2019.
Towards the 2023, as the original contract with the deep fees were escaped, p44 made it clear that mycarrier had two options:
Handles, with p44 also offers mycarrier builds its own carrier integrations.
Sign a new five-year contract, with rates that gradually increase in time to align with market rates.
The Mistarrier chosen to stay and has stopped a new contract of a new contract no construction “no clauses of that is not agreed with the Mistarrier and have a clause of 2017.
At the moment, mycarrier p44 did not intend to compete and only looked for the limited, not competitive connection for their tms. However, documents obtained through the court order tell a different story.
While negotiating the new contract, mycarrier was already thinking about breaking.
Only the days before you sign the contract, mycarrier has secured a APPI specialist and engaged a team in Serbia to build a replacement for P44 platform.
The ZARCARRIER’s MyCarrier documents that the company its “Proxy System” was 18 months of completion – this had been a premed for phase using our services.
By the end of 2023 and early 2024, mycarrier has requested custom hills. Due to resource priority, p44 immediately they immediately implement, but from half 2024, those changes have been activated.
Despite this, mycarrier launched its ilol system anyway, even if:
Ebar was used in their contract with p44, and were always using p44 to send thousands of ebole every day.
Project44 remains the largest hibol provider in the world, transformation of 99,000 nffta-compuling eboli in the 2022 of June
P44 has introduced a nmfta-complex ebul in April 2024 and continues to investment specifically.
2025-02-02 03:25:00