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A surprising factor helped the catastrophic of the 2023 Huragane IDalia

A previous factor could not contributed to the strength of the back of the hurricane’s back of the hurricane, which cost the United States dollars when he is blown at 2023.

According to a researchership team that have studied the weather conditions around the storm typical of the classic conditions that feed a hurricane not adding the case of giving up. The sad search analyzing the evolution of the storm was Posted Last month in environmental search letters.

The team found that the usual secondary surface is, the heat under the surface, and a low vertical wind shear all played a role in the intensification of idality. But the team found that a frous plume – including the river discharge in the density degree between density water and water of the gooft force.

“The wind wants to show the water, wearing the cold water and warm water in the bottom,” said sofifin hu, one of the nasa earth observatory release. I am “But the gradient of density between the fresh water surface and deeper salt water makes this difficult.”

Rivers apples have historically contributed to the intensification of hurricanes; According to Liberation, more than two-storm of the 3060s that hit the historical plumage of the historical plumage of the historical arching of the historical

“If you have a persistent river place in the right site at the right time”, I said, “You may have a perfect storm.”

Hurricane’s hydry has carved by the great foul of Florastia before charting a course the northeast through South Southern the South. The storm quickly by a category 1 in a Category 4th category, no little in a category when he made up on August of August of Ventes of Almost 125

A map showing the sea salt-surface salinence (the green, most saline) and the path of Edalia hurricane, color coded to show their category.
A map showing the sea salt-surface salinence (the green, most saline) and the path of Edalia hurricane, color coded to show their category. Image: Lauren Dauphin, using the salinity data of the vanish of jpl and the SMAP science team and Ultral Ultral Science

The hurricane concerns concerns gas pollutioncut the power for Hundreds of thousand of people, as well as Left a tree on the Tallahassee house of the Governor Ron Desantis. The storm in the form of being the Constitute of 2023, holding a million 3.6 billion in damage. The storm has left on the Atlantic on August 31 after checking in Georgia and Carolina’s Caroline Coast Character.

Factors Analysis in IDALIA training could help the researchers understand the conditions that extreme tolls forth in the future. Considers the urcrane milton, which Shattered records In October 2024 when intensified by a category 1 Storm to a Storm 5 Storm in Only 7 hours, after fueling very hot waters in the western gulf. The 5 Roils category are the highest intensity on the Soffe-Simpson wind scale; To be a 5th base storm, a system must obtain the largest wind speed of 157 miles per hour (253 miles per hour). When Milton has touched central Florida as a 3 storm category, you are brushing you at least Three tens of tornins through the Sunshine state.

As the ocean temperature Continue to break the records for heat, we should wait for the most evolved and rapid hurricane. Hope, search similar to Idia Idia I will lead to improving patterns, so authority can be prepared for these waterfall. The hurricane season resumes June 30 and runs on 30 November.

2025-03-10 19:05:00

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