Alexander Lukashhenko win seventh terms of right to ‘castle of Babarus election | Elected News

Election officials say Lukashhenko received 86.8 percent of Amidi Accusations that vote was not free nor justice.
Belarusian Linearellian Leadilla Alexander Lukashenko has been declared winner of a dispute Presidential Electionensuring a seventh straight terms, according to the country electoral body.
Lukashepo, which four opponents to the ballots were fifted to him and has removed the 30-year rule, took 86.8 to cease central election account on his Telegram
“You can patret the republication, we’ve elected a president”, Igor Karpenko, Head of Commissioner, said a new conference.
The election officer said the tornout in Sunday vote was 85.7 percent, with about 6.9 million eligible to vote.
Belarusian Leader won every presidential election Since 1994in polls whose opponents, western governments and rights groups refused as “sham”.
‘Convincing victory’
But the russian president vladimir Putin Felicate Lukhemko, saying to the elections showed the “induced” to the face of the people.
“Your convincing victory clearly tried to your high-authority authority from the status of the state is insufficient:, placed at the statement from the Kremlin statement.
“Always be welcome and dearly invited in the Russian land. As agreed, I look forward to seeing you soon in Moscow.”
The war in Ukraine licked Lukashenhenko more closely tightly, and the tactical treasured weapons are now implies in Belarus.
Chinese New Year Xi Jinping also congrature Lukashenko, Beijing State media.
“Xi Jinping sent a message felony to Lukashokko in his repression as President of Belarus, the Xinhua News Agency.
‘No choice’
Other advertises, incignants, in Europe, say the clothes or free “and sections were or they are costing or constrained to look for outsid.
“The people of Belarus have not choice. It is a love day for all those long for freedom,” Minister Historian Baerbock PoneD on X.
“More than 1,200 people in Bielorus remain innocently incarcerated because they had the courage to talk.”
The last presidential election in 2020 finished with the nation’s protections, without previous in the story of nine person people of people. The opposition and western nations have accused Lukashenko of Rigging the elections and sections imposed.
In response, his government launching a batting brush, that you would have more than 1,000 people biali bialeatsi, the Founder of Getting Agency Uniscens of Human Rights.
Asked on the pleasure of their opponents, Lukashenskko said a news conference in Sunday that they chose their own destination.
“Some choice choice, some exile choices, as you say. We have not lying to anyone out of the country,” he said to a conference of news that lasted more than four hours.
The Essay ESIPS’S’S TSIKHANAUSEA has told the Reutors of the lkashenko’s firms of an engineer its successful as part of a “dictatory” ritual.
2025-01-27 13:34:00