An Open Source Spice Database

In this article I would like to introduce the SpiceNice database website. This is an open source database of cooking spices. Besides valuable information on spices you can also read about the corresponding plants. A section of free literature on spices completes the website.
What is SpiceNice
SpiceNice a database of cooking spices. It contains information about the spice itself as well as the corresponding plant. The idea is that you have structured data about cooking spices and their herbs. It allows people interested in spices, such as cooks, biologists, farmers and the public to inform themselves. In addition, there is a small section of free literature on spices.
In the website version of the SpiceNice database you can select the spice that interests you. Then you get a more detailed overview of the spice with information such as its botanical name, its culinary form and the country of origin. In addition, there is plant information included, with a botanical explanation of the plant and cultivation.
Source of Data
The data is taken from the English edition of Wikipedia.
Technical Architecture
The backend of SpiceNice consists of an open source headless CMS (content management system). Tearsconnected to the PostgreSQL database. Astro is used as the frontend framework that creates the SpiceNice static website.
Future Direction
The vision for SpiceNice is to be a comprehensive specialty database of cooking spices. It can also provide a web API to query data with bindings for different programming languages. Also, the goal is to build a community of like-minded people who are interested in the world of culinary spices. They can collaborate and communicate through the SpiceNice platform.
Translating database content into different languages can be another goal. Bringing together consumers and producers of spice products can also be valuable.
This concludes this overview of the SpiceNice open source product. If you are interested, want to collaborate or give feedback, please feel free to contact me via the button below.
SpiceNice website:
Strapi CMS:
Cover Photo by Taras Yasinski from Pixabay
2024-12-17 10:38:07