Business News

“And if Narayana Mothy sees this?”: The unique bengal’s single tech solution to attend meetings in traffic; You look

The solution of bengalian’s technician in the city traffic traffic has become virals, susceptible to laugh and some serious business ideas. Sharing a photo in X (old Twitter), Adarsh ​​has subtitled, “Fangalore Traffic meeting. Image showed a small truck load of office chairs, an occupied, that resembles a reproval mobile name.

The photo has touched an online agreement, attiniting play and entrepreneurial answers. A user has tricked: “If this is going to be late for the meeting”, whereas someone else has remarked: “I love the idea and fun, but people could be distracted.”

Others have seen profit potential. “We can make a profitable business from this, but we need to think about it”, a comment read. The post also inspired some to draw sarcastic referrals to Infosys Mothy, who recently has favored for a 70 hours work week. “And if Narayana Mothy sees this?” A user has scored, while another joke, “The day is not far from when Murthy will put a GPI chip that trace the employees go to a place of pleasure.”

The mood also puts in light on the famous bengaluous traffic. According to the TomTom Traffic Index 2024, Bengaluze is the third slower city in the world, after only Barranquilla, Colombia and Calcutta. TomTom, a specialized Dutch caption in place, currency, currency the conditions of traffic in the major cities. This year’s report has underlined Bengalu’s fight with congestion.

Bengalu’s traffic congestion is influenced by many key factors:

1. High United Number of Private Vehicles: a significant increase of personal cars and two wheels on the roads lead to overcrowding.

2. Daily Vehicle Registrations: Continuing addition of new vehicles every day aggravating existing traffic problems.

3. Challenge of road infrastructure: Inadequate roads or malenate, with insufficient public transport options, contribute to traffic load.

4. Seasonal changes: weather conditions, such as loud paths during the monsoon, can disturb the traffic flow and increase the congestion.

5. Variations in travel modes: Several ways of transportation (such bikes and public transportation) have a different impact on traffic patterns and congestions.

These combined factors make the situation of complex and challenge benefit traffic.

While the image and reactions that accompanied a wave of fun, also underline a hard reality: The benengalus goes on to be a challenge. However, moments like this showing the city residents use the mood and creativity to face the daily frustrations.×9.jpeg

2025-01-25 09:11:00

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