Apple Tech conducts research to better understand how can Identify changes in health

Today, Apple has announced the beginning of a new health research that can develop technology (ie how to develop and develop and develop airlines and development of airline “and” physical health, mental health and development.
The research is already available in the Apple research application for participants living in the United States and meet the minimum age requirements. In addition, “the relationship between various areas of health, such as the heart rate or how to affect the heart rate or asleep.” The research is carried out in cooperation with Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Leading Research Hospital and Harvard Medical School “Great Teaching Branch”.
New Apple Health Research in Apple Research Application
This study, Apple Women’s Health Research, Apple Hearing Research and Apple Hearing Research and Apple Heart and Moving Research, are more than 350,000 participants in the United States.
The new longitudinal research is aimed at understanding how to predict, monitor and monitor changes in the health of the participants of Apple devices. Researchers will also investigate relations in various fields of health. Research activities, aging, cardiovascular health, blood circulation, cognition, cognition, menstrual health, mental health, metabolic health, mobility, neurological health, respiratory health and sleep.
Apple is designed to explore how the study can help identify the changes in the health of a person – when changes occur, your body “spreads a physical or emotional signal.” The changes in health may affect one or more parts of the body, and others can usually affect the welfare, so it can help to offer “a more active approach to health” to help identify any changes. For example, “Early detection of the change of hearing health can reduce the risk of cognitive landing.”
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