Apple’s iPhone 17 cameras could be phenomenal. This is what needs to do

The one’s iPhone 16 pro Able to take superb images from their three back rooms. Its consciously impressed us with their pictures in each colloid and this is to say anything about its mile motion of 4k striking. Their crystals and new multiple lenses Pic styles offer a lot for even the most photographers. Also put a strong fight against the The phones of the best camera around, including the Galaxy s24 ultrathe one’s Pixel 9 pro and the Xiaomi 14 Ultra. I am
Read more: It’s iPhone 16 Pro takes Xiaomi 14 ultra
But it’s not the perfect camera. As a professional phone revisor and a professional photographer for exceptionally expected for upper phone rooms and have used the iphone 16 pro from their launch, I have some thoughts.
Here are the main points I want to see u improved on the iPhone 17 when likely to launch in 2025 September.
Larger image sensor
Although the 1 / 1.28-in-the-iphone’s principal room in and marginally larger than sensor 1 / 1.33-inch a larger image can catch more light and offer best dynamic range. That’s why Cameras Pro tend to have at least “full image sensors, while as high altones are as well as the incredible Hasselblad 907xthey enormous “medium format” sensors “pristine image sensors.
Even Pro Cameras, the Sensor size is important. Even the picture sensor of the picture in the middle is in the average format sensor to the right. The phone camera sensors do not come anywhere near this size.
Xiaioms understand this, equip their 14 ultra with a 1 inch type sensor. Is greater than sensors found on almost any other phone, allowing 14 ultra to take awesome pictures in a variety of conditions – including quick taylor concerts. I am I am nice to see the apple at least one Xiaomi’s phone here with a 2-inch type sensor. Although we are talking the wishes of the sky, maybe the iPhone 17 could be the first smartphone with a sensor of full square. I will not keep your breath on that – the phone, and the lens, you would need to huge to shorten, so he used to call your mirrolend camera.
Opening realable
Talking Xiaomi 14 ultra, one of the other reasons that phone rocks so hard to photograph is their variable opening on the main camera. Its wider apartment is f / 1.6 – significantly wider than the most.that wider than light in demand and more authentic condition to the subject.
The street road out of this pub was processed in an attractive star gracefully to the variable opening of the Xiaomi 14 ultra.
But Xiaomi’s opening can also charge until F / 4, and with that tight opening, it is able to create starponses around the points of light. I love achievement of this effect in the night image with the phone. It makes the resulting images look much more like they were taken with a professional and lens camera, while the same light points on the iPhols only.
More photographic styles
Although Apple had different styles and integrated effects in and the iPhone, the iPhone took more, with more control of the effects. Just that Cnnet EDITOR Lisa Eagicocco Also declared the new photographic style “New Favorite feature on the latest Apple’s telephone‘
I think they’re great. Or rather, I am a big start. The different color tones, as those who get with amber and amber styles, add good brakes to scenes, and the quiet effect makes a vintage world to choose. I would love to see the apple introduces many styles in different color tonification options, or even with tones vintage stock of Kodak or FujifilM.
I like the hottest tones from the iPhone amber in this image but I have more than more options to get creative with colored tones.
And safe, there are many third app like vichpo or snapseed that you allow you around with color filters all you want. But using Apple styles means that you can take your images with the look already applied, and then you will change it later if you don’t like it’s ugly in your image.
Better integration of proraw with photographic styles
I think the apple slightly missed an opportunity with their photographic styles, even, in the one you can use it when fasting images in heif (highlighted image). Unfortunately you can’t use it when you shoot you in Proraw. I love the apple use of the previous proration, while fitting the iPhone’s computational photograph – including things as HDR Image for the easiest edition.
The DNG file typically offers more latitudes to light up the dark areas or tonghe in the houses in an image, making versatile. Previously the post color presents could be used when shooting in proraw, and I loved him. Often style style pictures with the high black and then edited raw file.
I’ve made a lot of road in black and white, and I would like more flexibility to take the proring caps. Monochrome.
Now using the same black and white look means to Sparting Images in format Heif, Elizing the benefits of using Apple Prorama. Oddly, while the oldest filters are no longer available in the camera apps when you take a raw image, you can always apply the iphone gallery app.
Luts to protrude video
And while we’re in the topic of presets and color filters, the apple needs to bring those as well as the video. On iPhone 15 Pro, Apple introduced the ability to shoot video in protwhich results in the very low contrast, part of preparation almost gray fat. The idea is that video editors will take this shooting on top, often apply the present of the contrast and warm tonies for a romantic vibes.
But appreciate not offering any kind of products very much for the iPhone, you will always lift the contrast, that really doesn’t really work. Secure to the Proes point is that you flex you in his hiphion, put it in the software as gave rims
The breast of time looks like a very low and decessed contrast. Apple needs to present ways to help make you more with the hazard files in the iPhone.
But that always lets files on your phone, and I would like to be able to do more with them. My gallery is lying with the ungraded video files that will do much with because they need extent color gradation. I would like to share them in Instagram, or with my family on whatsapp, then processing those files from the drug and gray to loved ones.
With i iPhone 17, even with the iphone 16 as a software update, I want to see the apple creating a range of his own iPhone picture files.
If Apple has been able to implement all these modents – excessive, maybe, the full sense I can admit is an ambitious touch of a camera abroad.
2025-01-30 16:00:00