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Are Blue Light Glasses Effective? Can they help you sleep?

The average person in the US spends 4 hours and 37 minutes a day looking at their phone December 2023 study. Globally, a January 2024 report He said that users between the ages of 16 and 64 spend an average of 6 hours and 40 minutes on the Internet. This is much more than less than two hours a day (outside of work). experts recommend.

All that screen time can lead to headaches, eye strain, insomnia, and more. can come with side effects such as so many blue light glasses trying to maintain vision while on devices. Currently, there are many different brands of blue light glasses to shop for, including them Felix Gray and Peepers. you can buy blue light lenses for your prescription glasses as well.

But do blue light glasses really work and make a difference for those of us who stare at screens for a few hours? The answer is not as simple as yes or no.

What is blue light?

From talking refrigerators to iPhones, our experts are here to help make the world a little more complicated.

All of them visible light what we humans see includes the entire spectrum of the rainbow, from red to violet. Within this spectrum are blue light waves that help us stay alert and in high spirits.

More details: Tired of eye strain? Here’s how optometrists say to beat it

Blue light glasses

Blue light glasses from Felix Gray brand.

Angela Lang/CNET

From talking refrigerators to iPhones, our experts are here to help make the world a little more complicated.

Blue light and sleep

Light affects your circadian rhythm. Morning light tells your body it’s time to wake up, so you tend to be more alert during the day. Blue light affects your circadian rhythm inhibits melatonin production (sleep hormone). At first glance, the screens of our electronic devices may not appear blue, but they actually emit short blue wavelengths. If you’re a late-night social media junkie or night gamer, you’re actually telling your brain that it’s time to stay awake instead of falling asleep.

Blue light has its own positive attributes. Because it makes you feel more alert, blue light therapy is used for those suffering from unexplained fatigue. seasonal affective disordera type of depression. It can help those with memory loss and is believed to improve cognitive function. When the sun goes down, the lack of light signals our body to start producing melatoninit is the hormone that makes us sleepy.

More details: The best melatonin supplements of 2024

Before the advent of artificial light, the sun regulated our sleep schedules. Today we are exposed to light all day and night. While exposure to any light waves after dark can delay our body’s production of melatonin, blue light waves can be especially problematic because they keep us awake. On the other hand, blue light can help us overcome sleep problems by resetting our out-of-sync circadian rhythm.

Is too much screen time bad?

The short answer? Probably.

Doctors and researchers focus mainly on two growing issues screen time: digital eye strain and blue light exposure.


according to American Optometric Associationdigital eye strain is “a group of eye and vision problems caused by prolonged use of computers, tablets, e-readers, and mobile phones.” These problems range from blurred vision and dry eyes to headaches neck pain.

By looking at screens all day, we are also exposed to blue light waves, which are said to cause countless problems. There is conflicting evidence about how blue light is exposed affects your eyesbut doctors and researchers agree that it does your circadian rhythm.

What does my screen have to do with it?

Compared to fluorescent and incandescent lamps, The LEDs may turn off significant amounts of blue light. Unfortunately for those who use our technology after sunset, LEDs are used in countless smartphone, tablet and TV screens. Tech products with LCD screens, such as laptops, iPads, and older iPhones, still use LEDs to light their displays.

Tips for managing blue light before bed

Here are some practical ways to reduce your exposure to blue light before bed:

  • Finish work at least three hours before bed.
  • Turn off all overhead lights immediately after dinner to keep your room dim.
  • To minimize blue light interference, set your phone to Do Not Disturb mode.
  • 30 minutes before bed, put away electronic devices such as the phone or TV.

Is blue light harmful to your eyes?

Blue light has been associated with all sorts of issues causes digital eye strain for it blinds us. There is a lot of conflicting evidence about how harmful it really is.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology says that because we are exposed to blue light from the sun all day, there is no evidence that blue light emitted by screens specifically can harm the eyes.

Blue light glasses

Peepers offers tinted blue light glasses.

Angela Lang/CNET

Clinical spokesperson of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Dr. Speaking to CNET, Raj Maturi explained, “During the day, you get 10 times as much blue light from the sun as you do from your computer screen. Our bodies have evolved to deal with that light.”

The study was compiled by AOA shows that prolonged exposure to blue light (for example, sitting in front of a computer all day) your retina — the innermost layer of the eye that sends signals to your brain to process what you see.

Prevent blindnessThe nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing vision loss also says that early research suggests that blue light can cause eye strain.

What are blue light glasses?

The lenses of blue light blocking glasses contain filters to block or absorb blue light, and in some cases, UV light. This means that if you use these glasses while looking at a screen, especially after dark, they can help reduce exposure to blue light waves that can keep you awake.

Many blue light glasses you can buy also claim to help reduce eye strain. Most are designed to prevent blue light from screens from keeping us awake during the day while working in front of the computer, and at night.

Should I buy blue light glasses?

It depends. Do you want or need to look at your phone after dark and then have trouble falling asleep?

There is ample evidence that blue light affects when our bodies produce melatonin, so these glasses can help if you use screens for long periods after sunset. prevents you from standing up later than you want.

If you’re dealing with digital eye strain, there’s an easy exercise you should try before investing in new glasses. use it The 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. The idea is that it helps distract you from the screen, allowing your eye muscles to relax and preventing eye strain.

As for me, I’m writing this post wearing the blue light glasses I’ve been using for the past few months. While I’m not 100% sure that they help my eyes, I do feel that my eyes are less tired at the end of the day.

Could it be a placebo? Sure, but I’ll keep wearing them to learn.

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