Software & Apps

Ask HN: Any jobs that don’t force you to always grow in rare wise?

. My current title is Senior Software Engineer and, if I do me, I will be happy to keep the title for the rest of my career. I tried to be a manager a little and hated it, and, in a similar way, the extra responsibility and coverage of going to staff + engineer is powerless.

My only issue is that my current job has a very strong “up or” mentality I start pushing against. And most other places I work with or discussed about friends as there are similar characteristics of career development. I just want to do my job well, learn new things, and contribute success to businesses. I don’t want to try and find out my manager what projects I have to do to make myself look good and able to work on the ladder.

Did anyone work anywhere they feel like they can only do their job without worrying about a career development aspect? I have contracted a little and knowing it is good to do with this goal, but I’m glad to have health insurance and don’t have to scrouge for work all the time.

2025-03-14 17:17:00

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