Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

Bitcoin Dominkce hit new heights, AltCoin Disable: Research

Bitcoin’s (Btc) The following verse of the matricorler’s platform in the platform, new heights that dominate for new heights, dominated by new heights.

As of March 12, Bitcoin Domince – Bitcoin’s Crypto, one size of the crypto-capitalization of market capitalization – 61.2%, according to Matrixport. This is up to 54% cycle in December.

The growth of BTC domination is “a short-term life of Altimoin rally,” Matritsport said in his platform.

“In November, in November, the US President Donald was extended to a month, but more information” matrix Federal Throssoms “than in the US worker.

The dominion of bitcou is usually the end of the market cycles, but in addition to Bitkoin, the eastern cycle is near.

Bitcoin domination backwards. Source: Matrixport

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Interest rates

In January, the United States’ Federal Reserve, which would agree to hold interest rates to hold interest rates, to hold healthy jobs, and instead of starting to stay awake.

Fuda’s Hawk tone hit the reserves and cryptotes. The price of Beitkin’s POT has dropped about 20% since the announcement of the Central Bank on January 29. As of March 12, Bitcoin trade and sales are about $ 82.750. It lasts for more than $ 109,000 in December.

Bitcoin is more sensitive than macroeconomic changes than macroeconomic changes. “The buyers came out of their golds, and they went out in a common crypad market, despite their own self-per capita,” said Matrtsport.

Bitcoin rally feeding interest rates for the introduction of inflation, whether it was sent by matholds.

March 12, February, February, consumer price index – US inflation is below the forecast of the forecast.

Kobessi Quaternap letters “from July 20 said At the post. “Inflation in the United States cools.”

Information The United States is from the United States, which expects food to be stable at the Exchange.

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