Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

Bitcoin protection – and yourself – with anchorwatch

Organizers: Rob Hamilton

Date of creation: March 2022

Home Office Location: Nashville, TN

Number of employees: Five (more soon)


Social or private? Private

After three years of development, ACHERWATCH He rolled his product – the joint Bitcoin Multisig Wault insurance policy.

The company has created smart agreements on the development and consumption of functions, such as personal judtvat, and the bullet Lloyd London’s cover.

This technology helps to protect theft insurance clients at the world-level insurance clients at high levels of insurance, kidnapping, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraudulent or catastrophic activities. This is the level of unemployed protection.

“We have identified the lack of a bito space,” said the joint founding of the joint founding of the oversight and violent, “there are several risks that technology could not be soften technology key attacksThe client is a bad actor with their keys, or even, a bad actor, and we have intensified these holes insurance. “

Rubenfeld and his team were prepared for this product, and his team was destroying its own product’s requests, because the company opened business doors last month.

Rubenfeld found in Bitcher Round Hamilton, especially in Bitkoine’s industry in Bitco, unaware that he did not allow Bithkoin to meet him.

Origin of the Kazakh

At the end of 2020, Rubenfeld and Hamilton are interrelated in the public chat room.

“We met in the bitkoin room in bitter rooms,” he said.

“I just wanted to get a shopping alpha and had children and had children. They all ran to Citcoin, and they had become Cultural Persons. We all went out in Karantine,” he said.

“Everything was hungry for human communication, and we became friends. I have prepared oranges in this way. “

Until now, Rubenfeld said that he had discussed the need for Bitcoin in Bitcoin.

“Rob was just an ideal and realized that he knew how he knew about how he would build a care for himself,” Rubenfeld said.

American Hadl and Jason William’s approval encouraged Gamilton to build a product, and there were its first investors. Rubenfeld has joined the table table, but immediately noticed that he had the opportunity to help Hamilton.

“It is busy with the construction of the MVP,” Ok, call you to make the first deck, and you need to make a few guidance, and you will tell you a lot about insurance? “The Reinfeld to say.

When he ordered Long Rubenfeld, he began to finish these assignments for Hamilton and many other things. Thus, companies such as Starbucks used existing skills in corporate women in corporate workers, such as companies, and companies such as the eagle.

At first, he was a volunteer, but the first week he knew twice in helping Hamilton to Hamilton, he began to find a call twice in helping Hamilton.

He called on Rubenfeld “We once been closely working closely,” Rubenfeld called.

“It’s so strongly and so much fun, so I would have been added to a while, and I would be added in a few days later, a few days later , together, jointly joined, “he said.

From this point, from the revenenceld and Hamilton folder, almost three years.

“We started 12 plus hours every day at this office” said Rubenfeld. “Fortunately, our investors received a co-adopted when we visited our zero.”


As mentioned above, it helps to control its customers to control the bitcoin and control the multi-steps that leads to their own stages.

Rubenfeld placed the product in widespread:

“We are looking at Bustkoin in the highest level, in the middle of the stages,” he said.

“It’s time, it allows you to take a standard to control the bitcine, but we are demanding the keys to keep it together, and then additional ways to spend together.” But then additional ways to spend it together. ” Now ensures refusal and inheritance procedures. “

In other words, this time this time is the time technology of time MiniskIf the buttons are lost, if the keys disappeared, if the keys disappeared, or if the keys disappeared, or if the keys disappeared, if the stages are lost, or if the keys are disappeared if the keys are lost. The keys are lost or useful.

And the client is required only to sign a transaction with the company, serving a transaction with the company. If the client decides to cancel politics, the ruler returns Bitcoin to Beitcoine’s return.

Boststors cannot control unilaterally bitsky bitsky, if ACHORWATCH disappears, it may be ruled by the client’s keys. The elasticity of protection at the same time at the same time is the privilege of building a ministit and the priority of building a ministit and its insurance.

Each year, a 0.55% of customers, the insurance policy of customers covers up to $ 100,000 to $ 100 million in dollars from $ 250,000.

“You have an insurance policy, and we have a financial liability through Lloyd, we will have a financial liability, and we have a key, and we have a required sign.”

“So we can log in to collaborate with the customer, or we may begin to attack the complex key, and then we will finally be able to combine with the recovery institution,” he added.

“If you did not choose the renewal with us, then he attended Bithkoine’s promises, and it was programmed at the level of this chain.”

Initial customers

At the end of December, floods were opened and potential customers were connected.

“Early answers were very strong,” Rubenfeld said. “

He noted that the initial interest is caused by retail and commercial customers, as the early interest is taken, and it is sick. Some are being insured to be insured, and others are segmented between a few caring methods and insure one part.

“The standard retail client provides 5-15 bits,” said RuBfeld. “80% of the services are protected from $ 300,000 and $ 3 million, and we are pursuing several major policies in the process of working with several major customers.”

Refuge assured me that he was ready to conduct greater statements for a censorous account and that he was astonishing that his central bitkoine strategies are popular.

It expects to refuse to get calls from such customers.

“They claim that they are going to happen before they go to step,” Rubenfeld said.

“But we have several major commercial customers, and in some cases, they have thousands of bitkoin, and they can start this process as well as their own customers. We trust our self-confidence, “he added.

“If they were happy next year, they stuck and tried to move a fierce invasion.”

Final defense

If the rubenfeld believes that it is similar to retail and corporate clients, only the non-valued customers believe that it is not valued by customers.

“We are our insurance company, but we will protect people,” Ramfeldd.

“According to the nature of technology and insurance, we keep people safe,” According to the attack and insurance premium from the attack from the attack, we keep people safe. Being clients of customers added “he added.

“We have the back of Lloyd Lloyd and we have an insurance company, we will be here for ever, so we hunt you forever.”

Revisels explained that they should not be removed their carefree career, but they never make mistakes to rule until the weary birthday (this does not make mistakes taking into account the public bull).

Rubenfeld believes that these clients believe that they will never have a permission without their permission.

“The people want to say,” Hey, “,” Rubenfeld said proudly.

“So we take our work seriously – we protect people, as we are protecting our mission.”

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