Software & Apps

Blogging on paper

I recently published First blog post in 2017. The fact that it was posted in a year after my last post is just an incidental. Looking at the last six years on my blog, it’s hard to call it a blog.

YEAR 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Number of Posts 0 1 1 2 1 1 1

I think I can change the title of “Kyle Cono Ana’s Personal Year post”. I want to pretend that my posts are very examined that they have a year to write, but that is not the case. I need more time to deploy my site than it is written “I need to write a blog post“.

One of the reasons for slow output is my current job work. I write posts on the score using VIM, generate HTML using jekyll, and serving inner by a small web app to go to Heroku.

There are some problems with this setup. Starting a new post involves firing vim and making a new score score, a process that is not easy to change mobile. When I’m done with a draft, I can’t easily get feedback from peers unless I open a p of GitHub and invite them to my private repository.

At work, we use Hackpad As one of our tools for collaboration with documents. Dropbox bought Hackpad, covered it, and it was made Paper in Dropbox. The paper feels like hackpad with all the bugs has been changed. If I know that the paper supported export documents in the markdown, I decided to try it for blogging. After writing two posts on paper, I’m glad I’m moving.

I found myself in some long lines in a museum at the end of the week. As I wait, I work in some posts using the mobile app paper. I’m sure there are mobile apps outside for the mark edit, but I need to know how to attach it to my workflow.

The paper also supports inline comments. I asked some friends for the previous post input, and they could post inline comments. Many document editing documents support comments, but I do not use one before for blogging.

My previous setup has not changed to save for an additional start step where I pulled posts from paper using API. While the API works, it’s a serious short arrival:

  • Score mark does not support score code blocks.
  • API will not return the date a document made or updated.
  • Changes to paper documents will not generate webhooks.
  • I can’t do a key on API only.

These are small distractions now, but can prove to be in trouble in the future. I am also opened My paper client client written on go. This is not complete, but enforced adequate API to export documents.

I have now written two posts within a week’s length. We see how long it lasts, but the use of paper makes writing more fun.

2025-01-29 02:33:00

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