Caddy – the last server with automatic https

Academic and industrial experts Caddy recommends, quoted in the journals checked by peer for security disabilities, its best practices, and the unique extended part.

“Servers who run Caddy showed nearby HTTPS deployment and used modern configurations in TLS. … We hope to see other popular server Soft sequel.”
–Josh Aas, Richard Barnes, Benton case, Zakir Durumeric, Enan Duckersley-Lochez Halderma, Jamexez Haldma, James Hoftran, Eric Radrorla, Eric Radren 2019. We will encrypt: an automated certificate authority to encrypt the whole web. In the 2019 ACM Survey Security Security Security Conference in Computer & Communication (CCS ’19). Association for computer machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2473-2487.

“There is no popular software on the server (Session Ticket key rotation), except for Caddy.”
–Drew Springall, Zakir Durumeric, and J. Alex Halderman. 2016. Measurement of security damage to TLS Crypto shortcuts. In Internet Conference Conference (IMC ’16), Association for Computing Machinery, Santa Monica, USA, 33-47.
2025-02-16 20:56:00