Check keyboard codes – cubicleate techpad

I have an amazing issue on my computer where “)” key continues to have always been pressed. It’s very aggravated and I’m not sure where the problem comes from. Nor is my outer keyboard or the laptop keyboard will answer when I can force the “)” key and I’m confused. As part of my investigation, I know a command line tool called “Showkeys” that helped me know what happened to my computer. I have returned this information from Geeks for Geeks Website But I want to comment on the details of my own way and also describes how I used it to help me.
I don’t know tunckey does not have a standalone application for the command line but a part of another package called KBD to open up. It may be the same as other distributions, I don’t investigate it so I can’t say that. Maybe it’s not something you need to install.
The use of Showkey is simpler. You have four options and one of them is to show help.
Simply use
Only in terminal type:
sudo showkey
It will appear any key you press by this keycode:
kb mode was ?UNKNOWN?
( if you are trying this under X, it might not work
since the X server is also reading /dev/console )press any key (program terminates 10s after last keypress)...
keycode 28 release
qkeycode 16 press
keycode 16 release
wkeycode 17 press
keycode 17 release
ekeycode 18 press
keycode 18 release
rkeycode 19 press
keycode 19 release
You may not need anything more than this basic use is like all I need to know my problem but I take it as an opportunity to find out more about it.
Help Options
This is the help or information about the Tosto.
showkey -h
This shows basic help information about Tosto.
Usage: showkey (option...)Options:
-a, --ascii display the decimal/octal/hex values of the keys.
-s, --scancodes display only the raw scan-codes.
-k, --keycodes display only the interpreted keycodes (default).
-t, --timeout set timeout, default 10
-h, --help print this usage message.
-V, --version print version number.Report bugs to authors.
I believe it can best know the choices. It gives you all the details of the juicy what makes it your forcing.
showkey -a
It shows not only the letter you pressed but also the related decimal, octal, and hex values of key press. I just want to see the letter I pressed but other things are also cool.
Press any keys - Ctrl-D will terminate this programq 113 0161 0x71
w 119 0167 0x77
e 101 0145 0x65
r 114 0162 0x72
t 116 0164 0x74
y 121 0171 0x79
^D 4 0004 0x04
Note that this option is not self-temout, you need to keep Ctrl + D to exit the program.
the – Option shows raw scancodes.
showkey -s
kb mode was ?UNKNOWN?
( if you are trying this under X, it might not work
since the X server is also reading /dev/console )press any key (program terminates 10s after last keypress)...
e0x12 0x92
r0x13 0x93
t0x14 0x94
What is the odd one sometimes it divides the codes in a key push into two lines. I don’t know why or I didn’t investigate it. Maybe it’s something I’m doing wrong?
This is also the default option and shows the raw keycode. You have already seen this one as it is the most basic.
showkey -k
The default time period is 10 seconds for choices but if you want to change it or up, it’s easy to do with t The choice and a related time in seconds. In this case the time title after 5 seconds.
showkey -t 5
kb mode was ?UNKNOWN?
( if you are trying this under X, it might not work
since the X server is also reading /dev/console )press any key (program terminates 5s after last keypress)...
keycode 28 release
akeycode 30 press
keycode 30 release
jkeycode 36 press
keycode 36 release
ikeycode 23 press
Outside -In option, you can turn off the – or -k Options to get your choice time.
Last thought
It was a little thing that helped me learn an issue I had on my keyboard. I know that I’m a little fun and I know my secondary keyboard is pressed against my IMSAI 8080 replica below my desk. This is a foolish thing that refused my day for about 20 minutes but now I have a new tool to debug or investigate input.
2025-01-27 06:42:00