China muddy elicotes in 10 feet of philippines patty plane on the South Sea of China

Over the scarborough fare, south tide – a Chinese marine helicopter flew in 10 feet of a Philippine Patrol Plan Tuesday in a disputed area of the Southern seainviting the Philippine pilot to notice radio: “You fly too close, you are very dangerous.”
Chinese helicopter tried to force a cessna turbobrop position belonging to the Figure Fishing Office and aquatical resources out of what China The pretensions is their spot especially over the high shoe shock northwest of Philippines.
An associated journalist and others sent out the foreign media on the floor of the 30-minute ward and the shoe hall to shoe with shoe.
Jam this pink / AFP / Getty
“I wanna loose too close, you are very dangling and finish our teams and passes” said to the radio, Chinese navy helicopter. “Look at and Distance your aircraft from us, you violated the security standard of FAA and ICAO.”
The pilot refers to the standard distance between the United States air administration and the organization of international civilian to prevent air disasters.
There was no sign that the Philico plane had to alter its predicted path and altitude to avoid a collision.
The Philippine Guard and the Fishing bureau in a statement that remained our sovereign and sharp action in the actions of the aggressive and escalative of China. “
They refer to the Filipino’s name for the water layer in the South China Sea closest to the Western Coast of the Philippines.
The Chinese closet, refer to ScarbrakaWeh Sheal from his chinese name, said the floor of the china’s level of China without the Chinese government permit. “
The theater the sea of Christian and adverse to the trailing way and has from the hills of hills, Senior Col. Tian Schule and the command, he said in an online written statement.
The Philippines “Right Confused and Wrong and Spread False narratives, the statement said.
Because the philippines-chinese business business
The encounter of Tuesday, which was herself by the Philippine government in a last flash in a territorial standard, which, vietnam and Taiwan.
I confronted on high sea spread between the two years of coastline to Scarbol and Second Thomas Mail is by the 1999 but he will look after the cooks of the military, Marina and other ships.
While most of the analysts create the most likely origins of any potential military conflict between the United States and China It would be a china attempt to invading Taiwan, the escalating tension between Beijing and the Philippines has a possible mutual defects with the US intervention;
The China pretends practically all the seas in the china of the south as their territory. It’s one of the world’s more vegetables, with more than $ 3 trillion in goods passing through their waters. AS CBS NEWS CREELIA VENA reported for 60 minutes last yearTo state his claim over the sea, China used tactics only short of war, sometimes driving Violent confrontersin what has been called “the most dangerous conflict no one is talking.”
In December, the plans used to acquire the Typhon’s missile system by the United States as part of a push of a marital interests, drawing Notices of China of a race of regional arms. “
The US said it is defined to defend the Philippines – his older treatise, ship or shrubs or shrub in the South Sea. China warned to us and their allies not to doctor in what you call a purely asian dispute.
The story of the Philippines-China
China has implemented their naval force around Scarborough after a stress of tense with the Philippine ships in 2012.
The next year, the Philippines has brought their disputes with China to International Arbitration. A decision 2016 by a claws of nations inhaled in the Expansive Plan of China’s Espansive Plan in China Based on the Leg’s Convention
China, a Filipy at the Applicants as Philippines, refuse to take part in the arbitration, refused their result and continue to challenge.
Facated by China’s Armatic, Philippines Submitted Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has presented to a campaign of shame on the sea in an offer of the exertee’s incest
Philippines also reinforce your security allies with the United States, Canada, the European Union and other Western countries to refer to their external defense.×630/dfc31227cca474d0e9c5fd77d9246c09/south-china-sea-philippines-scarborough-2199666796.jpg?v=db3d87ba7bf4d4ff13b65eabcf0d9bea
2025-02-18 15:26:00