Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

Crypto Exchange okx will provide a mifid II license in Europe

OKS Exchange of the Cripagonation, the license of the European Union has served the license of the European Union, which will allow the company to open the door to the leading segment of the trade community.

March 12th announcementEald GS, Director General of the OCC The license allows OCCCC to perform derivative trade items for institutional investors.

Crypadors, Europe, Cripagon Exchange, EUR EUROPE, EUROPE, MIA, OKX

Source: Okx

The announcement is two months later OKX pre-paid in advance The Crypto-assets (listen) within the 28 market markets will allow you to present the exchange market in 28 European economic spices.

Medifid II and MIC Licensing regimes to serve as additional purposes, and they serve for different purposes. The MIFID II II is required for all types of financial instruments and Cryvto Dirivative PLIVATORMS.

On the other hand, Mika Crypto-Asset service suppliers Combating cryptons, which are not provided by financial instruments.

The main premises are one of the largest crypadicondicities in the Seychelles, OKx daily. According to CoinMarch 12, March 12, was smaller trade worth $ 3.7 billion.

Related: Krake provides a mythid license that offers a trick

Demand is growing

The demand for CryptourCyctivans has increased, because institutional investors are in order to introduce digital assets. November of November centralized Crypto dervananives market About 7 trillion, 79.4%, were up to 89.4%, and exceeded the former peak in March last year.

Crypadors, Europe, Cripagon Exchange, EUR EUROPE, EUROPE, MIA, OKX

Crypto Dirivativotsivotsivotsivomets The size of the fourth quarter of 2024 has always reached a higher level. Source: Ccdata

February 20, 2024 Hey Decentralized financial evolution assumed to satisfy the Catalyze Crypto the derivative markets. Report:

“Despite the most resolving the network of obsolescence, including crypto subsidiaries is expected to continue to address the needs of market participants to address investment and henstant needs.

Kraken has provided a mythid license in the last month did Europe is one of the most active areas for Europe “Crypto Deer Privative Trading.

Even if it does not meet derivative bargains, CME group The second largest crypiene economy of the European world is called the global transaction, about 18% of the volume of transactions.

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