Danimarch Postal Service to stop giving letters


Danimaration status status, is to complete all shipping for all letters at the end of 2025, quote 90% volumes from the letter.
The decision leads at the end of 400 years of the company service. 1.500 Danimark postbox will start to disappear from the beginning of the June.
Transport Force Thomas Danielsen sought to reassure Danes, saying that letters may be sent and received in the whole country. A company said he was prepared to take the shipments.
Postal services in Europe are grappling with decline in the letter volumes. Thursday’s post of the Thursday said Thursday that was Axing 8,000 Jobs, in what you call “socially responsible”
Deutsche post has 187,000 employees and staff representatives have been told that they feared more cucumbers.
Denmark had a Universal Postal Service for the end of 2023, but as digital mail services took, the use of letters has dramatically dramatically.
Public Services Send Communications via a post digital App or other platforms and denmark says market market is no longer.
The numbers of the letters were expired since the beginning of the century 1,4 billion at 110 million last year.
The decision has to affect older people. However 95% of Danishs use the Post Digital Service, a Report 271000 people have always affected on physical mail.
Danish Danish Blamed Privatization for the move and complain the move would be drawing people who live in remote areas.
Postnord said about 1,500 of their workers will lose their work, out of a 4.600 work force.
The company said that I will turn on his focus on parcel packets and that each group bought this year or in 2024 could be refunded for a limited period in 2026. I am
Chief Executive Kim Pedersen says Damage was sincerely damaged and deciduous in the volumes became the opportunity as 30% in the past only.
Postnord also operates in Sweden. It is 40% Danish possession and 60% of Swedish.
2025-03-06 13:55:00