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Decrease Service Destruction and Improvement of Payment Travels: Inetco Elo Partners and Agilidge

Brazil’s digital transactions are skyricet over the past few years, and now over 164 million users, need to seek new ways to keep their competitors. consideration How muchBrazilian processing organization processing Brazil, this competition is obtained by a new collaboration with INETCOthe payment of monitoring and cheating on the first firm and vitalityits and cybersecurity provider.

As the digital transactions continue to grow, making non-legal transactions and users are more challenging. However, this is an important part of the payment cycle. Following new collaboration with INETCO and eases, Elo can implement a solution that ensures compliance with Central Bank in Brazilregulations of regulations, and maximizing it Real time fees Services – simultaneously ensure legitimate transactions can pass.

Arlei Francioli Jr., Manager of Technology Technology, EloArlei Francioli Jr., Manager of Technology Technology, Elo
Arlei Francioli Jr., Manager of Technology Technology, Elo

Arlei Francioli Jr.The Manager of Technology Manager, Elohan, said: “As 100 percent Brazilian company and global payment experiences for millions of users. When agility introduces Inetco Insight True-Time Monitoring

“Through our new partnership, we have gained a powerful solution that enhances the transaction monitoring, shortening failures, and secured the highest level of security and reliable for our customers.”

By providing a combined view of the real time in the whole network infrastructure, payment switch, third-party applications, all party transactions, the Intocce appliction elo to:

  • Reduce the time to diagnose the failure of its core business over 90 percent
  • Improvement to recognize failure causing reasons for approximately 60 percent
  • Diagnose historical failures and reach specific resolutions easier and more accurate
  • Involving real-time seamlessly monitoring does not affect the transaction speed or requires changes to the payment switch
  • Reduce recovery time and technical resources and efforts needed for investigations and diagnosis
Identifying Problems

“Before Inetco, Diagnosing Failures Required Performing Trace Route / TCP dump captures and conducting a meticulous analysis of the captured packets for investigation, which took over 40 minutes,” Francioli explained. “After implementing INETCO, we can now track a transaction for about four minutes. We also have the ability to find out the rid of the frustration of the frustration.

Fabio Soto, CEO, Agility

According to Agility CEO Fabi SOTOThe Deputy company in the INETCO platform has exceeded expectations. “Our initial purpose is to give the Elo with its full view of the ecosystem’s transaction as the depth of operations. But the depth of the platform to network and seamless transaction processes before.”

In view of the future

In fact, the success of INETCO Insight brings to Elo to explore additional security solutions, including Inetco Bullzaitm, a cyber catching platform. The company is currently tried to assist inetco bullzai to assess the ability to block fraudulent transactions in real time as the errors are positive by analyzing behavior and risk scoring.

Bijan Sani, CEO of NetetoBijan Sani, CEO of Neteto
Bijan Sani, CEO of Neteto

“By incorporating the cutting models driven by AI run by AI SEED lagCEO of Inetco. “We are honored to bring these new features to our increasing customer base as we collaborate on the Fasting Digital PayScape.”

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