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Dippic mobility integration: from EV to e-scooters

Deepacic mobility integration spreads in the transport sector of China, including companies including automotive giants and e-scooter manufacturers in their products. Adoption wave began with primary electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers and has recently expanded to include the country’s leading electric two-wheeler brands.

Dippic dynamics integrate Auto toe industry

According to South China Morning PostOver the past two weeks, more than a dozen Chinese automakers have announced a plans to integrate Deepacic’s AI technology into their vehicles. The roster includes established manufacturers such as industry leader BYD, Gilly, Great Wall Motor, Cherry Automobile and SAIC Motor and Lipmotor.

The commitment to BYD’s technology is especially noteworthy, the company plans to integrate the dippick into its Zuangi Vehicle Software Futware Platform. This integration will provide BYD to initial self-driving capabilities without making any changes to the sticker price on almost all its models, which makes autonomous driving accessible to more customers.

The initiative covers up to 20 models, including a very foreign seagull hatchback, which is currently priced at 69,800 yuan (US $ 9,575).

E-scooter brands joined the Deepsic Bandwagon

DPCC has recently hit China’s e-scooter field, as Ziomi-backed Segway-Navbot Group and Nasdaq-listed NIU technologies work to include AI in their electric two-wheelers.

Ninebot said on Friday that it would promise advanced features through its mobile app, “Deepskic will unite Deeply Tande” in its products. These updates include AI -operated content creation, Based DataIntelligent services to personal recommendations and riders.

NIU technologies have claimed that Deepsk’s larger language models Dells (LLMS) by February 9 this year. The company plans to use a technology for this:

  • Trolling methods
  • Ride safety facilities
  • AI -operated travel colleagues
  • Sound interaction
  • Intelligent service recommendations

Sales electric two-wheeler manufacturer on Saturday announced that it plans to embed Dippic’s technology into its ecosystem.

Industry observers who are called “dippic fever” in China’s dynamic sector reflect. The appeal of technology is in its cost-effective and cost-efficient approach to AI integration.

Hangzo-based company Open Source AI modelsDeepsik-V3 and Deepsik-R1, the costs required for larger language model projects and the fraction of computing power work.

Fat Zhang, founder of Shanghai -based EV data provider CNEVIPost, said that unless cars would get out of the market or exit the market.

The expansion of dipecic mobility integration comes at a time when the Chinese e-scooter brand is getting traction in foreign markets. According to custom data, the value of electric two-wheeler exports increased by 27.6% in 2024 to US $ 5.82 billion, the previous 5.31 billion US in 2022. Export volume has risen 47% to 22.13 million units.

Research Pay FIRM IDC notes that Dippic’s Open-Sour MODel Dale has promoted collaborative innovation ecosystem through platforms like Gitthub, allowing developers to participate in Optim Ptimization and Security Tests.

The collaborative approach is expected to improve the ability of companies to deploy, train, and use.

The impact of dipecic mobility integration on China’s transport sector seems to be increasing. Zhang Yongway, the general secretary of China, EV100, projects or by 2025, represent two-thirds of about 15 million car-national sales-will be equipped with-beginning autonomous driving systems, showing a transformative probability of reshape of China’s transport system.

(By photo Kenny LesNo, no, inadvertent

Also see this: Dippic restriction? China increases data transfer safety concerns

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