DOJ: Google must sell Chrome, Android will be next

Bad, Google’s solution position is people – years of the Justice Department. “DOJ’s research continues to go to miles beyond the court’s decision and harms American, economic, and national security of Google.
As expected, Google has not changed Suggested Tests In case, the consignment of the court was a suggestion similar to the one submitted months ago. Google says it’s open to changing the search area for browsers and Android devices, additional regulatory management to ensure compliance. However, the DOJ staff changes and the new Google meetings did not take much to change the government’s desire to reduce the company.
Government to monitor AI and Android
There are two famous changes in government position about Android and AI investment. Government’s government cannot be completely escaped under proposed remedies, but Google does not need to sell immediately.
This case is centered in search and not initially hinged artificial intelligence. However, things changed in the years since this case began. Last year, Judge Mehta has allowed the government to seek Google investment limits on the basis that AI will be a main feature of the web searching. Google accidentally proves that the point is recently if it New AI Mode is notified in searchthat replaces the list of 10 blue links with AI response. However the DOJ is no longer making this request.
It’s a little but important victory for Google, which was Pumping billions of kirites like anthropic as the AI market is united. The company claims that limiting activities in this area weakens US leadership to AI. it This case is made In the newly encouraged DOJ in recent weeks, and it has an effect. The DOJ is no longer looking for Google to prompt to compete with fires AI. However, Google will notify the government before making new AI investments.×648.jpg
2025-03-10 21:02:00