Egypt fear the revolution of Syria revolution could be contagious

Shortly after the author replaces the authoritative president, bashar al-Assad, a Hashtag has gathered Steam in Egyptian social sodians: “It’s your turt, detracts.”
The message for the Abdel President Skill El-Sisi of Egypt was encountered. But he recently needed the warning.
Since the Syria Decker’s Syria Decker oruuster the Egyptian Leaders have updated the events in the Syrian capital that the fire of the trade, knows a tendency to spread.
They both had a turpaneous story as the arabic pride is at the end of the end of 2010 and spreads across the Middle East.
The Syrian Revolt culminated almost 14 years later with the fall of Mr. Al-Assad. Egyptian Revolution employed the authoritative chaubarak, and you see a Islamist party come to the power of first free especiative dice. Mr. EL-Sisi he took two years power after a military picture, and he likes leaders in the Gulf lost and beyond Attack of Islamist groups keeping power in the region, as they only have in Syria.
Days after Mr. Russia, Egyptian security forces stretched out at least 30 sinary refugees living in Cairo that were spontaneously their fallAccording to Egyptian initiative for personal rights, a group of rights.
Egyptian authorities have been harder for siriians to travel in Egypt to Mr. Al-Assad, which requires most to obtain the limits of security first.
Mr. EL-Sisi gave unusually frequent address in recent weeks to defend their record.
“My hands never have to be with someone’s blood, and I never took anything that never had my own,” he said in December, a week after Mr. Al-Assad was down.
In doing so, she looked to draw a conspicuary s boss with the head of the boss while burning by military years, erupted at least 817 people protest Mr. El- the rest of sisi of sisi in 2013.
Since the rebels in Syria’s power has taken power, Egypt has arrested Or began pursuing many people considered political opponents, including the Director of a group of prominent rights, the wife of a political cartonist arrested and a Tiktok user that had published the Critical Videos of Mr. EL-Sisi. Egypt has already kept a thousandth of a thousand thousand political prisonersMany of them islamists.
“The two thousand and eleven are 14 years old,” he said MI METRBR, A Egypt Egypt in the Washington, Reference Egyptian revolution. Egyptian authority, said, “You know that the snowball.”
After years of profundation Economic misery Through Egypt, Mr. EL-Sisi was already in an acutely vulnerable position. Any suggestion that Egyptians can catch the revolutionary problems want to eat Egyptians want the Army revolt, he has said, but because it could take very little for his cloth in the protest.
The most visible attempt to capitalize the moment has come from Ahmed Al-Mansour, an egypt who has left the country to commuse Syrian years old. After the hinder of Mr. Al-Assad, refered to Mr. El-Sisi online by Damascus.
“It is worth a bullet,” Mr. Al-Mansour said Mr. EL-Sisi in a Video Published on X. It was seen 1.5 million times.
The threat has sent Egypt’s TV christore, which often amplify Pro-government speaking points on their delivery at night, in a ground. A host, Ahmed moussa, called the new leaders of Syria to Act.
“They should tell you if I am with what happens in the purpose of our country or not,” he Notice. I am
Shortly after his handbuffs in the middle of January, Syriaryurry Eurity Arrange Mr. Al-dummy with many associates. Was detected in his step toward the meeting of the country defense of the country intermimo, according to a statement from Mandu-Sisi Mr. Al-Manotheur fused.
It is not clear if Egyptian authorities have engaged for their arrest.
The group of Mr. Al-mansour uriginate to your authority if to release their egyptian people weed their rights with Mr. El El-Sisi quarter Syrians had done against the Syries Al-acud. Their current status is unknown.
But also with Mr Al-Mansour Silenced for now, other Egyptians are unlikely to stop complaining.
Many have Sourged on Mr. EL-Sisi after years of economic crises, the most recent of who was enabled by the subsequent shots of the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. But the problems are also upset in government managed and food, including on great ones mespees of greatness.
With the deep egypt in debt and losing the entrance, the currency has flashedSome goods have become difficult to find and inflation shot.
Such difficulty have choked A population of about 111 million where almost one in three in three already lived in misery, according to official statistics.
Mr. EL-Sisi attempted to relate to a species that has already in cat financial form when he took in 2013 and took it difficult to provide their citizens. But he had spent older of prosperity, I would bring in the Egypt – prosperity that never come, even as he fell in love with a cost New capital complete with a presidential palate of braces.
“People are serious immediately, and that’s this test only to move the things,” Ms. Mobrouk said.
In the principle, followed the president as hero and the salvator to use the military force has dressed political party that has dressed antennas that has clothed in alienate lots of population.
Mr. EL-Sisi spent the years runs to print the brotherhood in Egypt, to see as a threat to their power. Egyptian authorities pursued Mileashe members and suspected symbols, the blocking the terrors, while others have fed the country.
Even the weakened instinists, the political sick remain a target midolar for Mr. EL-Sisi and their supporters, who often invoke the perks for political islam.
So he was unsuspecting the Egyptian authority have a cautionary note on Hayat Tahrir Al-sham light, the Islamist’s group that took the chair. The group was rented once Affiliated with Al Qaeda but disappointed their extremist origin.
Egypt may have had lovers for Mr. Ally lord would be said, but I was abreolised at the chosus and confluence of the Egyptian, Sudan, Sudan.
Has therefore approached relationships with the new guinerly syery.
The opposite of other Arabic countries, Egypt has not yet held High-level level reunions with pencils of sirii.
Diplomi in Cairo Tell Egyptian officers have originally screams to rest the new Syria and not to lift penalties in the country too quickly. They talked on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
Summer Minister of Egypt, Badr Abdelatty, has called Regional and International Partners to ensure that “Syria will not become a source of the regional investation or cane for terrorist groups.”
Mahmoud Badr, Egyptian agriculture supporting brother-related movement having determined the path that has arranged the way for mr auction.
“It’s all a part of a net and no one can persuade the otherwise, he / she said, hitting the circulate charges showing the head of the frayed marriage.
Although the anti-islamist feelings remains strong between Egyptians, so he’s feeling anti-Sisi.
“He arrived at a very dead time,” he said Broderk McDonald, a partner associated to the international international center of rooting study.
2025-01-31 13:00:00