Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

Ethereum Card game “gods

God will not workby a trading card game Ethereum Kater-2 network Renewable zeavimOn February 18, the battle launched a long time before the time and new lunch expanding.

Once a free level of free levels and two-paid receives, it can be used to be used from February 9 to 17th February, $ 6.99 and $ 39.9.99.

Each level, which users are like a new special exclusive coschery, as well as the packages of a particular age for the new expansion.

As users carry the tracks, they will be given additional people, such as the enbrene of the unlike God, such as gods. Purchase of premiums or shiny traces, respectively, felt the rewards of gods worth $ 5.35 and $ 5.35 and $ 5.63, and $ 5.63, with additional gods.

God has destroys

A little time that comes with a period of warfront Features 56 MapsSeven lepers seven legends and seven mythic options, including two new games of playing map: “withered” and “rod”.

God is released from God Fear tower An extension package in October. The separate map game can play IOS, Android, Windows and Mac.

Edited by Andrew hayward

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