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‘Everyone looked at their phones,’ says the person released after 30 years prison | US NEWS

A person released from imprisonment after 30 years because of a crime he said he did not become more converted to life – and used to keep the connected people today.

Gordon Creesaira was imprisoned in 1994 to kill Timothy Blaishell on Maui island, but because of the new DNA evidence his conviction was defeated on Friday.

Talking about his first impression outside the world after his release from the Maui Community Correctional Center, Mr Cordeeiro, who continually continued his innocence, which he continued to get used to what connected people.

“Everyone looked at their phones,” he said, when he first talked to Zoom since the leaving prison.

Mr. Cordeiro also commented on the new DNA evidence that brought his release, saying the relevant Press News Agency: “Thanks for the new DNA.”

The first thing he did after he was released visited by his mother’s grave while he said he always thought about him at his time behind the bars.

Mr. Ceeiro’s mother, Paulette, died ages 49 in September 1994 from the als, which was always called Lou Gehrig’s disease. His son was arrested in the next month.

“Thank you for seeing me. Keep me safe,” Mr. Cordeiro recalled his grave.

In a photograph given by his sister, he can see the kneeling in the grave, with a role of flowers that gave him the headstone release.

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Many say about what he got to recover his freedom, Mr. Cordeiro said he would go for a steak dinner and celebrated with his father’s house.

The next day, he visited many graves of relatives and planned to go to Costco.

“He was agreed,” he said, but Maui added that he changed as he fitted the destruction caused by the Lahaina in a wildfire at 2023.

Notifying his decision to save him, Judgue Kirstin Hamman reigns new evidence, including DNA test results, most likely to change the result of another test.

Maui County Attutey Andrew Martin was based on his plan to appeal against the decision and seek to release the bail to release Mr. Cordeiro.

Mr. Cordeiro’s first attempt ends with a hung. With only one huror voting to convict him.

But he later found guilty of murder, stealing and tried to kill and sentenced to life without parole possibilities.×900/skynews-cordeiro-hawaii_6837472.jpg?20250223101453

2025-02-23 18:02:00

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