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Executive Sandander under criminal investigation in Brazil

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Saunder Accounting Officer is in the criminal investigation in Brazil for the wrong allegate of funds as they work as a executive senior to the larger bank of the country.

Documenting documents from the financial times show the Brazil FEDELIZALS this month has instructed in agneandro Briedel Lapes, the financial financial in ITIA to UNIBANO.

The Office of Federal Public Audion in São Paulo Refers the Cological Case after preliminary addresses in the presuperation criminality, the documents display.

Taking accusation of the actually liar personally burned for the theater that was paying to an external consulting that has engaged in the bank name while you worked.

Broedel was not charged with any crime, and the federal police of Brazil said they have not confirmed or commented in commonly investigations as possible. The prosegee’s Federal Office said I could not confirm the investigation.

Broodel joined Santander In October and is due to resume Spanish accounting in Friday months – a role that will make it a senior team member of the bank.

Had received the approval necessary by emeracy services, Santander said. These include passing the bank’s “in the form of the Bank Bank of European Central Bank”

Revealing a cleaning, most total investigations, two total desires and inner and January and now be likely to be probed by those who have been by those who have been

The bank also brought claims to the attached Discourage of the Pubble Discourage, according to the documents seen from the ft.

Following the initials, during the representations of the Brokeel lawyers, the persecitation has been necessary “determine the facts, the documents show.

Santander said Uverel was “” Considered “that was” as it was “because of CAO’s” to CAERA. “The Spanish Prompt is initiating as the Chief Accounting Officer in” Prompt 2025 “.

A spokes for the Briedel described allegations from ITAU as “no end and meaningless.”

“Alexsandro Briedel would be sheeded and transparent in all activities in all its 12 years in the end” the statement.

According to the project relationship, which the police, and civilian says short of short corper with an external consultant that was engaged with an external borrower who was engaged

ITaú has stated the bottom of the bottom has received 40 per cent of the tasks who paid to the consultant, after the money has been transferred for a series of entity. In total, the BroEDEL is presented to have illegally R $ 4.86mn ($ 834,000), according to civilian cause.

ITAVERGATE I couldn’t find correct records for 16 of the 40 contolarship with the consultant and related to be fictitious and that work may not have been carried.

Brogedel also failed to his internal use of the Utaún love to the external consultant were partners were partners in a company called ailel.

In his report sent to the police, the project says that the Broeel had told them that the semans received by the consultant are borrowed.

However, the prudent’s sheen is interfersed that the transfers were through companies instead of being directly from the consultant and because the relationship between the two men are not declared to menu. The report also noticed the payments of the payments, by creating the questions of the transfers of transfers in relation to the payments made from the bank. ”

Breeedel Renigura dated from ituiú in July to take work to Santander and got in Garanet of Brazilian walked. ITAU more beautiful I discharge then discover the tenders against him, as per mial management.

Solster’s Appointers of Broedel Actors as a group account officer the Office of Mandatory Accounting, before the allegations are arrived at the light.

The Broedel Portzunal said: “The consultant Message you have already pressed the Bank for decades) the diced services were known for AliUn Unibanco and required by different areas of the bank.

“It is deeply weird to the union about your suspect only, only to be reinforced by the location of the global competitor. Alexsandro Briedel is going to take the legal action appropriate in this case.”

A person near Santander described the police investigation as a “preliminary phase to determine if a criminal prosecution may occur”, adding that does not mean a persecution.

Ituú has refused to comment.

2025-02-27 18:43:00

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