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Explaining that confuses the spoon pigserism

Looking for the the most recent Reply strands? Click here for our daily suggestionsIn as our days and daily responses for New York times Mini Crossword, Wordle, Connections and Connection: The Sport Edition Puzzles.

Today now They mad The puzzle is exceptionally hard, let’s go alone. Connections between hidden words are not easy to understand, and even the spangam could be a word you don’t know. If you need suggestions and answers but you don’t want to huge spoilers, read. We’ll explain all the way to the end, so go ahead and run down if you want this explanation now.

I go to depth on the Rules for threads in this story. I am

If you are looking for today’s Wordle, connection and mini crosswords, you can visit CNET’s suggestion page CNET. I am

Read more: NYT connection turns 1: These are the 5 most ruined puzzles so far

Suggestion for today’s puzzle today

The topic of today is: Sounds knowing

If you don’t help you, that’s a track: Garbled word

Track words to unlock suggestions in game

Your goal is to find hidden words that fit the topic of the puzzle. If you are tired, find any words you can. Whenever you find three four-letter words or more, the wires, reveal one of the words afraid. That’s the words I used those suggestions but any words of four or more letters you find work:

  • Porn, his brethren with a saucered selocio, Selucio, Grit, Clush, Dace, Bush, Ben, well.

Answers for today’s puzzle

Here are the answers attacking in the topic. The purpose of the puzzle is to find everyone, including the spangram, a fearful word that renders on one side of the puzzle to another. When you get all (irigginely there were always eight, but they followed that the number can vary), each letter to the plan will be used. Here’s Nonspangram’s responses:

  • Crow, ships, beets, very lined stones.

Today Spangram’s yarns

Filled the Nyt Nyt puzzle for March 1722222 379

The puzzle completed NYT level by March 17, 2025, # 379.

Nyt / screenshot from CNET

Today the yarns of the yarns are their rods. I am To find, start with as is five letters on the farthest row on the left, and the wind through.

Then is the explanation for this complex puzzle. A “spoonerism” It is a phright called for British We Custom Arzabeth, who reported their words, change letters in a sentence.

Two of the answers to today’s puzzle are brushed crow. It is a warberism for “shades of shade.”

Two more budding responses. This is a gerator for “wedding bells.”

And the last two answers are fried chips. Here’s a garberism for “chicken stripes.”

2025-03-16 23:00:00

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