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Fast food is local food, says journalist who took photos of McDonald’s all the world

As it happens6:33Because a photojournalist traveled the world to take photos of McDonald’s

A few years ago, Garyle was in the McDonald is in a Marocan village during the holy month of Ramadan, when he had a raure time.

The New York’s writer noticed the Fast food item has had a special menu item for IFTAAR, the period when the Muslims break their daily feat.

“I’ve seen this lunch involving a lot of sweet and dates and a milk soup and a milk yoghurt. And I just said, as it is very localized,” he said As it happens Host Nil Kӧksal.

“I couldn’t find anything about the journalist, I just said that this is possible that the great big gap in the world did not have in the middle of myself that document it.”

So was born MCCACASIt’s the new photography books of self-secured showers the ubiquitous chain and a japanese tea garden, to a watching only accessible by Pattem.

“I don’t have an exact conted, but I definitely been in the hundreds of McDonald’s tra in 55 countries and six counties,” he said. “There is a lot of walking involved when you do so travel. Therefore, grace, is balanced.”

Using a brand to tell a human story

He wants to do a thing clear: his book is no finished note, no approximately, from mcdonald caliphor.

“Even the journalist, you want to tell them that they are mean and relative, nily ?. There is really no more a marine or restaurant in the world than McDonald,” he said.

Two images beside. The synonym, a mconald's beside a serene, Japanese style garden with a small man, dummy for small isolas and great rock. The right, a man puts the window of a snow mcDonald of snow with a sign that says "MCSKI."
Says some advent of mcAcas mcAcas mcAcas, where the Jaster Garden McDonald’s in Singapore, left, and the McSki “Sweden. (Gary He / McATlas)

The Americans, say, do the civil ass result that if you saw a mcdonald’s, you’ve seen them all.

But actually, says the bad of mcdonald to different culinaric crops. There is the mchoutine in Canada, MCSPaghetti in the Philippines, Mucoi Tikki in India, and a McBraziette in France, just name a few.

“I think a lot of people say, yes, when I’m gentling I would like to try local food. Here is a type of book, adjusted? This is local food”, he said.

“Without these less located objects – some of these rice dishes, macarons plates, or you have larger for a reason.”

‘Starbucksing’ and other globetrotting adventures

Alex C. California-based journalist who wrote extensively on global food industry, recently argumented in New York times that fast food is the best way to have a really authentic local lunch experience when traveling.

“Often, you know, when we go very deliberately to look forward to ashamed to a very deliberately I am sorting the people who said,” Para said, “Park,” Park: “Parish” Cbc.

But at Queen to Latte or Horn Hortons, says, is local people living their life alive.

“There is no performance type. It’s a kind of a place that is from and of that country, as weird as sounds,” park said.

A book opened and placed flat. The left page is a large picture of the McDonald's container full of spaghetti. The right is a page of the mcSpaged story of the story.
A Page from McACLAS shows the MCSPaghetti, McDonald’s Monthly the unique item to the Philippines. (Gary He / McATlas)

There are other globetrots that take and the park approach – YouTubers traveling the world trying the McDonald McDonald’s menu itemsand travel Blogs reviewing KFC places in the world. I am

A blogger that goes from the name of the winter documents Mission to visit each starbucks in the world – a search that call Starbucks. He claims to have visited more than 15,000 in the US and Canada, and another £ 5,000.

The winter sustains coffee chain is usually located where people live and work. So what better way you really look like a place how is it?

The tourists, especially of the United States and Canada, have a fantasy about what life is in other parts of the world that does not fit the park say.

“I think it’s easy to turn to attract people in foreign countries and genres of thought that they have different want to us”, he said.

“Not all, as daily life in (another) country is a exciting and amusing and differently and differently and differently. Sometimes it is Only kind of prosal and ordinary in a way that is likely to be recognized for us. ‘

The costs of the globalization

While the park says Fast food can show you what we have all in common, that doesn’t mean that it’s all sunshine and roses.

He concerned about the world capitalism that creates a monculting and path the raft fast food afern Afesta the local economies and local environments.

Brazil, for example, he has become the greatest producer of soybeansto the great environmental cost, all that can provide a massive pottery, pork and flesh farm and asia.

“Of course I don’t mean to glorify the fast food” he said.

A muted man under a big silver plane with the McDonald log on him, touch the accolitis and look.
It’s a writer and photojournalist that work often centers in food. (Gary He / McATlas)

However, park sayings people in different countries visited that fast food chains makes them feel connected to the world, allowing To get out of the local kitchen that tourists seek with enthusiasm, but what is world and normal for them.

For him, work on MCCACAS He took it to some really unexpected – and also magical – places. A memory that distinguishes was his pride of December to the McSki, billed the world of the world, at the skiing station in Lindsvall in Sweden.

“The snow was too fresh. It was as crossed to the earth, and you must have for skiing to a window,” he said. “I really love that.”

Then there is McDonald nest in a Japanese tea garden in Singapore.

“It will be the most peaceful lunch that you ever in your life, you know, look at this lake koi with fish and turtles swollen around while eating a mcSpicch sandwich.”

Asked about his experience trying a mcipoutine in Canada, he is hesitated.

“We can only be adequate”, he said. “I don’t mean anything to make my friends north I don’t like.”!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_1180/shenzhen-mcdonald-s-mcatlas.JPG?im=Resize%3D620

2025-02-01 02:30:00

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