Ferrislucas / Itererm-MCP: A modeled context protocol server enforcing orders of current item session

A model withdrawal context controversy provides access to your item session.
Effective use of token: ITerm-MCP provides model of inspection only to output that the model is interested in seeing the last few output lines.
Natural equation: You share the model item. You can ask questions about what’s on the screen, or hand over a model task and view because it makes every step.
Full control of terminal and repling support: The model can start and interact with replars as well as sent controls of characters such as Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Z, and so on.
Easy to dependencies: ITERM-MCP is built with minor dependenties and runnables through NPX. It is designed to easily add to Claude Desktop and other MCP clients. It just got to work.
- The user is responsible for using the safety tool.
- No restrictions are built: IEMEM-MCP does not attempt to evaluate the safety of orders imposed.
- Models can work in unexpected ways. The user is expected to monitor activity and abort as appropriate.
- For many step-step tasks, you may need to eliminate the model if it goes on track. Start with small, dedicated tasks until you are familiar with how the model works.
– Write the active terminal on the item, often used to run a command. Return the number of output lines made by the command.read_terminal_output
– Read the requested number of lines from the active item terminal.send_control_character
– Sends a control attitude to the active item terminal.
- ITerm2 should be running
- Node version 18 or more
To use with Claude Desktop, add server config:
In Macos: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
In Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
"mcpServers": {
"iterm-mcp": {
"command": "npx",
"args": (
To install item for Claude Desktop automatically by Smithyy:
npx -y @smithery/cli install iterm-mcp --client claude
Install dependencies:
Server build:
For progress with auto-establishment:
Because MCP servers are talking to stdio, debugging can be challenged. We recommend using the MCP Inspectorto be used as a package script:
yarn run inspector
yarn debug <command>
Inspector will provide a URL to access your browser’s debugging tools.
2025-01-30 21:14:00