Former philigny ‘ex-president rodent duterts has arrested on the drug war,’ government says

Strong President) has been served an international criminal interpose of international criminal (Ic) aeropor principal airPer to Tuesday, the government said.
The Ic said chasing a suspected crime investigation against the role of the duiling in the order of a war “which kills thousands of the Philippines.
Talk said Monday in Hong Kong that was ready to be arrested if the ICC has posted a warranty repeatedly refused Anti-drugs. Denied the order police to kill drug suspects, unless self defense.
The Office of Presiden Grace Jr Jr has received a official copy of the warpiece, who was served on the Durutty from the police. Duruutta was now in custody, he said in a statement.
The anterior dutring hiver said the arrest was elected, say, the police are not only.
The Firebrand Decuterally Inclate by Treatment of Tomato Treats, and Philippines have until the last year is rewarded with a
The “war on drugs” has been patronizing the countryside that he is a wonder, crime, who is wrapped, whoever returned the destruction of the roster.
According to the police, 6,200 suspects were killed during anti-drug operations that say to end in shooting. But the activists say the real toll of the crackdown was much larger, with the thousands of drug, many of which they were included on the circumstances. “
The police denegates involvement in those ammozes and reject the allegations from the rights groups of s systematic examples and cover.!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_1180/2180820100.jpg?im=Resize%3D620
2025-03-11 13:56:00