From climate-ming ruming pollutant to useful materials

Although it is less abundant than carbon dioxide, methane gas contributes disproportionate to global and ming ming. Its nuclear composition of one carbon atoms bound to four hydrogen atoms creates a potentially useful building block for products that can keep this carbon away from the atmosphere, but it is difficult to react to other molecules in normal conditions.
Now a catalyst designed by MIT Chemical Engineer Michael Streno and colleagues can help solve the problem.
There are two components of the catalyst. First, a mineral called Ziolite turns methane into methane. Second, the natural enzyme called alcohol Ox Xidase turns methnol into formaldehyde. With the addition of urea, nitrogen -containing molecules found in the urine, formaldehyde can be converted into polymers used in particalboards, textiles and other products.
Researchers say this catalyst can work to seal cracks in natural gas transport pipes, which is a common source of methane leakage. It can also be used to coat the surface that comes in contact with methane gas, producing polymers that can be collected for product use.
“Other systems work at temperature temperatures and at high pressure,” says MIT Postdock Gymine Kim, the main author of Daniel Londberg, PhD ’24 Paper At work. It takes money and power. But, he says, “I think our system can be very effective and scalable.”,600