Fintech News

FTC sends refunds to consumers to settlement at racing step

the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said on Wednesday (March 12) who sent more than $ 15.5 million in consumer refunds after reaching a settlement of online career-training company Step by racing in July.

on COMPLAINTThe FTC says the career step of the servicemembers and their spouses of fraudulent ads and false claims about job claims and work participants, according to a Wednesday, according to one Wednesday Press release.

The agency also said that the company promotes services to these fraudulent incentive reviews, per release. Racing step offers “free” program extensions to students in exchange for posting reviews online, according to FTC’s Refund the program Page.

Pymts arrived, the career step said to an emailed statement that it develops policies and procedures.

“For 32 years, CARERSTEP provides practical, cheap career training services to more than 170,000 students growing our lives, and our programs filled the crellical gaps of health care,” as the statement.

“In recent years, we have placed a new, experienced leadership team and enhances our policies and procedures to ensure the criteria of our people and businesses,” more statements of people. “We are committed to operating with the integrity while delivering access, effective training our students need, the health care industry.”

The settlement reaches the July required career step to pay more than $ 15.5 million used by the FTC to pay the students damaged by advertising advertising; cancel approximately $ 28 million in unpaid balance owed to students enrolling between February 2020 and February 2023; And stop saying fraudulent advertising on educational products or services, according to the release of PRTC Press.

When the FTC announced the settlement in July, Samuel Levinewho is director of the Bureau of Consumer in FTC in time, as a Press release: “The servicemembers and their families offered each day to protect our freedoms. We owe them to make sure that if they look at their earnings to keep their education, they have taken real fantasy.”

Reported to FTC on Monday (March 10) that consumers reported more than $ 12.5 billion in Losing Cheat Last year, a number 25% higher than reported by 2023.

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