Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

FTTr’s FTR’S ELESTED $ 1.2b Remittances

Lenders of the Credited Center for the Culture Exchangerty Technical exchange rate of $ 50,000 were less than $ 50,000, which covered 9% per annum in November 2022.

There are several users on ftx subreddit reported get it Additional interest rates with the Cripkaa wars in the Crippart exchange calculations. According to bankruptcy plan, creditors are planned to draw about 119% of their powers.

The army has shown its exploration, as well as the wallet of FTTTR, which is estimated to consist of $ 1.2 billion as evidence of the forecast payments.

Upon receipt of their payments in the second quarter, $ 16 billion. $ 16 billion. When starting to pay US dollars, it is established by creditors and creditors to exceed their payments.

The funds are being distributed in the US dollar through bitno and fragment. In accordance with the distributed screenshots, the Krake also distributed a payment for users loans. Dispersed the penny and treated them as a way to dissolve them without saying anything.

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