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German tourists have detained for weeks, after deported by us

Incontinated for weeks and eventually deported, two German tourists seek in the United States were recently in a system that responds to a system is that supporting patchs and deport.

The Cases Browsche, evening, and closed for 16, and accounts in European traverse is meaning.

The tourists from the most European countries, including Germany, usually enjoy the free visa trip to the United States until 90 days. But Mr. Siecaff and Ms. Brights have been planted, separated, in the San YSIDRO and raised and crying center, according to their accounts.

Mr. Silaff said he is denied to translated and had the problems of knowledge what happened. Mrs. Bröscoche friends said it was maintained in a solitary confinement for nine days. For their accounts, both of them were flyed in Germany without a clear understanding of because they were detained in the first place.

“Sometime just awake because I am courable for this situation and what happened”, Mr Sieelaff, 25, said in an interview. “And just try to go for a walk and calm.”

The family of the Brittany, Burke, 28, he says she was for more than two weeks in the Washington State, similar in the system but securely.

Immigration’s response and twelve dogs, known as ice, did not answer the Thursday to apply for the comments of comments in their homes.

Mrs. Brights has been detained at the border on January 25, According to an online foundation campaign that friends have settled to lobby for their release. She traveled on the Electronic system for travel authorizationOr esta, available for tourists from the countries that they do not need a visa to travel to the US, but they are always achieve to declare the purpose of their visit. She told German newspaper day I had finished the authorization and he thought to enter the US after spending a week in Tijuana.

In the border, the official products filled with their documentation, according to online petition.

Ms. Bröscs, the 11-year-old tattoo artist, could not be reached for an interview. But nikita volged, a friend who talked with her, said in an interview that I was thinking of the scaling of a United States, violating terms,

Has been sent the National Detention Center Mesa in San Diego. Authority said she would be returned to “when a couple of days”, but “what followed was an alarming sequence, Brights.”

She left the center for more than six weeks, friends said: If apparently lost in a backlog.

“Only the fact of pure not knowing what goes to drive their insane”, lofving mere said. “She could sleep to sleep all the time she was there. It was at the night crying.”

Ms. Brösche arrived in Germany on Wednesday.

“It needs some days to recover, but she wants to talk when it’s been drunk and probably – armed in the mother’s brace,” Ms.

Mr. Siela said that traveled in the United States Jan to see his partner, Lennon Tyler, a US psychologist living in Las Vegas. Three weeks later to Tijuana for Medical Medical Dog for Dr. Tyler, but when they tried to return the February 18, haven’t passed the border checkpoint.

He said to heored for hearing confection control confident, and I give you a answer. I was the Tymer said the officers asked about his place of residence, suggesting that he had been lifted in the United States, not only visiting.

After mr. Sief off to a room of interrogation, they said, a translator restocking questions is the German. Tít said the written report of his interrogation has not reflected accurately reflected what he had said, or even the questions you were asked.

“I said, I don’t live here, and I will return to man 99 days, and don’t even like the integle:” Mr. he said.

After more than one hour interrogation, it has been refreshed to reboot to the US and was chained to a bank with other travelers.

Out, Dr. Tyler said in an interview that was also looking for answers from officials. In the response, to her, they said the obliction, two liulomary ice cream, where she is submitted to a separate research, where she is subjected to a human body search, where it has been submitted to a separate body searching,

“For the first time in my life, I am in man,” he said. “As long as they walk in a building, they are twisting your arms.”

After the search of the body, she, again is this legal? Can you do this to a US citizen? ‘

S’hella chatting a mr glomarse has led to the bathroom, and was the last time he saw them in person. Dr. Tyler has now started a civil question about their detention, his lawyer said.

“I have the arms on him, and we two we had tracks in our eyes,” Dr Tyller said in an interview. “And I said, I’m going to have a lawyer. I’m going to you, I promise you.”

Mr. Sief was held at the border place for two days, sleeping on a bank mylar, and then transferred in the Oay detention center. TWO WEATHER THAT, said, he said a cell with eight people, and waited in long lines for his food that spreads more than 120 people.

It said the way the way he was made to communicate with ice agents was through a tablet computers excluded between the tablet facts – but he did not know that those agents were.

“I asked so many people know who my ice cream is,” he said in an interview. “I’m not at what was at the end.”

Dr Tylller called the immigration authority they liked, he has gave interview interviews and she arrived repeated. Eventually, the lady, last week, Mr. Sieca was allowed voluntary deportation, on a flight that the cost of $ 2744.

“My lawyer said to worry about until they left go,” Dr Tyler said. “And that’s what Lucas and I did. We just made ourselves.”

2025-03-14 00:18:00

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