Here’s a bunch of jet combat videos more expensive on the crashing planet

The F-35, the jet of cumbanced fiercely and more expensive, broke up again.
Tuesday, a F-35 flashed at the basis of the area of the oelson accent in Alaska. I am According to the air force of America, the pilot experienced a in-flight malfunction and have been on the pigeon. The officers said the pilot was safe and unnecessary but had been carried in a hospital to recover.
The crash video and ejection were captured by a witness and loaded to social media.
F-35 is an embated weapons system. To $ 2 trillion, is the most expensive weapon ever built. Even manhattan project, who gave the world nuclear weapons, cost only about $ 30 billion in today’s dollars.
The Fighter Jet’s program has long desired critical by politicians and public. Is expensive and seems to crash. Elon Musk, that is now in a US government position, the US government, critic the F-35 in a post on X the year the year. “It’s a shit drawing:” he said.
It’s always dramatic when a jet’s American combatant that costs tens of millions of dollars and there is a lot of video of it. Here’s a lot of them.
In December of 2022, a F-35b fell while trying to land in the base’s base base restaurant the base base in Texas. The ejected pilot. The locals took the crash on the camera.
In one of the most dramatic wretchedness, a F-35 has reached a landing on the Landing in the USL Vineson in the 2022 of January. An investigation blamed the pilot. Someone on the ship filmed the crash on their phone and filter on the internet.
A F-35 that fell in Utah in October 20222 was caused by a software glitch, according to air force. The crash was caught on the camera but the dramatic smoke after it was.
The praise of 2023 and F-35 collision sweeps sweatshirt and puncture, but williamburg, sc meeting rangent rangepht. The jet fell for 30 in September that the year. It was found in a field near a rural community after the pentine asked the public for each information about the crash.
The white was at home when the jet was faded, you hear the tax and spent a few days of repreating the sound for the contours of the local news contours.
Last year a F-35 crashed near a road and produced an incredible amount of meters. In the jet the jet started on the basis of Kirtland’s Air Force in the new Mexico and slightly later. Has happened beside blvd universities if near the Self International SunPort. The dramatic burning fire was captured by the drivers from several different angles.
These are not all the f-35 troops, only those people have caught on the camera. In 2021, a f-35b shot himself. In 2014, a f-35 motor took fire on the track. In 2018, another f-35 in South Carolina throw near beautifor, sour pollen.
The F-35 darling air and we live in a world where defense contracts, once he thought of sacrosans, I am on the table. A few years ago would be not determined for the pentagon to divorce yourself by a military contract expensive and confused. They just made a lot of people too much money.
In 2025? A guy with a crucio III tattooi is running the Pentagon. A man who has publicly shit about F-35 is the Budget of DC DC DC DC. And the white house send signals confused about what military programs are they paying.
Someone is possible.
2025-01-29 20:25:00