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Here’s my favorite imessage animations

iphone 16e iMessage echo effect

Ryan Haines / Android Organization

Usually, when my friends hit Apple’s imessage, everything they care look like blue bubbles on each other’s screens. And most people are good enough – they want to include friends to the entire iPhone in the same group conversations, so that these RCs are now ignoring each group conversation, green or blue. But it only scratches that iMessage can do.

You can react with Emojis, remove images from pictures and send iMessage games You can add animation to your messages back and forth in GamePigeon, you can add animation to your messages, iMessage can make you more fun. Now, Apple’s animations are not as hidden as being inside Google messagesBut you can still do so much for your text. This is what you need to know about iMessage animations.

Have you ever used message animations in IMESSAGE?

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What are Apple’s iMessage animations?

iMessage invisible ink foam effect

Ryan Haines / Android Organization

iPhone 16E shows an invisible ink foam effect in IMessage

Now I think it’s incredibly late to sitting before sitting and the imessage animation game, it’s not. In fact, you could add certain effects to iMessage since iOS 10 and I remember this as it is in my pocket. It has changed the keywords to feel like an apple, apple animations list or feeling the keywords as an open mystery, not to change the keywords or change keywords.

Now, with iOS 18Things feel a little different. Suddenly each has three types of text animation you can check with their intensity. Some of them are all the screen, while others spend the text itself, let’s go into three main categories, starting with the smallest effects and work on our way.

Text effects

iPhone 16E text effects

Ryan Haines / Android Organization

iPhone 16E shows different text effects in iMessage

The simplest set of animations in IMESSAGE is nothing more than a set of text effects. These are fully sounded – only affects the real text of your message. You can access them through the icons in iMessage, which appear in several lines visible with several lines, and they shake, shake a ripple and allow more to pass a ripple. On the more animated effects, iMessage allows you to dare, to make you dare, emphasize or strike it – all the basics Good messaging application needs.

Bubble effects

iPhone 16E loud effect

Ryan Haines / Android Organization

iphone 16e showing a loud bubble effect in iMessage

After that, imessage animations that capture the bubble of your entire message. They are slightly larger than text effects, but they do not approach your iPhone screen on the way to the next effects. Apple’s bubble effects are definitely one of the definitely favorite animations, which are the ability to send a message with invisible ink, but you can deliver more breathing effects – a strange man to explain. Bubble Effects also includes the ability to deliver a slam for loud, expansion and shaking or striking or accumulating or accent.

To access bubble effects (and talking screen effects), first to write your message and then open the effects menu, then press long to the shipping arrow.

Screen effects

iphone 16e iMessage laser effect

Ryan Haines / Android Organization

showing the laser screen effect in iPhone 16E iMessage

Now, for screen effects for iMessage animations OGU. Yes, if you have been in an apple ecosystem for a long time, it is the effects used when you send a “Holy Birth” or “greetings” or “congratulations.”

These days you can add screen effects to any message and work as the above bubble effects. Of course, you can enter them in the original way, but new effects as an echo (a few copies of your message) and focus), it can be easier to add them to messages without keywords required. If you want to use keywords, Here’s how to trigger every effect:

  • “Congratulations” – Confetti
  • “Happy Birthday” – Balloons
  • “Happy New Year” – Fireworks
  • “Happy Chinese New Year” – Red background with sparks
  • “Pew Pew” – Laser beams

Should I burn iMessage animations?

iPhone 16 Settings menu

Ryan Haines / Android Organization

If you are just learning about iMessage animations now, you can think about how you missed them. Apple must prefer interesting messaging features – maybe you may think that you think that you don’t know what they exist. Well, the good news is that no, iMessage animations do not need to be burned, they are actively active.

But because you do not have to burn iMessage animations, do not mean you do not need to keep them. If you are photosensitive or otherwise you prefer not to see laser beams dance along your iPhone screen, you can refuse Apple’s automatic effects Accessory Open the menu and the bottom of the movement. From there, you stop the liquidation of automatic animations, ie you will only play when you allow them or at least, if this is your choice.

My favorite imessage animations

iPhone 16E IMessage Spotlight effect

Ryan Haines / Android Organization

iPhone 16E, Imessage shows the work effect

So now we have a very good understanding full of Apple’s toolbox messaging animations, let’s play favorites. I will stick to one (or maybe two) animations from each category to protect everything from hand very completely. Because most of the study is. First, text effects.

  • To be honest, the absolute favorite of Apple’s text animations Jittor. A simple effect, which causes the vibration on the place of your text, but I think it is a good job to express impatience without overlap.
  • Blow up As the bowling ball hit the characters of your message a bowling ball – or another good effect that hit an explosion. For short messages, it is a little more practical for short messages, because I can’t imagine I read more than a few words when they are engaged in flying in different directions.
  • If for any reason, Apple likes to apply automatically Big Only affects messages when using the words that are scale in any way. I often hold recommendations and if inappropriate (often), but sometimes I will sometimes leave someone for fun.

Now for my favorite bubble effect – it should come as no surprise.

  • Remote and away, the most used bubble effect Invisible ink. For those who are not familiar with that, the text and sensors are behind small floating pixels, then you can go away with a finger to read the message before disappearing again. I need to clarify the invisible ink to hide the negotiations to make birthday plans and discuss the spoilers before I have a chance to see a new movie.

And finally, when it comes to screen effects (or two best of the gang) best.

  • My favorite screen effect in IMESSAGE LassistantUsed to trigger with the phrase of Pew Pew. Now, as any other bubbling effect, you can trigger your friends like a light show like a light show like any other bubble effect, which has gone to the bathroom or a successful cotton or lasers.
  • I also came around Careful effect, as disgusting as possible. Before your messages take the scene on a point show, a point is darkened all your screen before swinging. As an explosion effect, it is best used with short messages, but ensures that your buyer cannot miss what you mean. He said I think I would like to attach the pointing to the pointing to me if I could add to a message after sending me to pay attention to iMessage Shipping and re-send for effect.

Of course, there are several other iMessage animations to explore, it may be better, including. These are my favorites, because Apple releases new flagship and medium-sized models, I feel the most suitable for iMessage’s seasonal use.

Do you have other or hidden animations you provided? Let us know in the comments.

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