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How to refresh your iChone to ICloud, Macos, or Windows (2024)

Your iPhone is so more than a screen for texting. The smart phones are as the job is on the top of crazy news cycle, rock, held in touch with friends and catching the most important moments of life. Carrying all information in our bags are incredibly powerful, and it gets through our days a little easier. Also means that your most important data can lose when you forget your phone in the train or have a shot fit with the train.

If you want to avoid restraining trying to recover the best shots from a friend’s marriage, you must return your iPhone. It’s an especially good idea if you think about update to a new iPhone. I am There are a few ways to do this, according to your needs and habits. After you are all supported, check our guide By choosing the best iPhone. I am

Added September 2024: We’ve checked the steps for the latest version of IOS and added more information on backups.

Save up to iCloud

Your easiest option, and the first recommendation of Apple, it is to refresh your iCloud iPhone.

The process is simple enough:

  1. Connect to wi-fi.
  2. Inside Configurations and tap on your name, then iCloud. I am
  3. On the icloud page, scroll and tap Low of iCloud backup. I am Please ensure the switch is tied so get the automatic backup every 24 hours when your iPhone is loaded, shut down, and connected to wi-fi. Then touch Again now to force a backup.
  4. Check things like photos you want iCloud to rest (you can to describe other categories).

Apple gives you 5 GB of the ICLOUD storage for free, but this is not enough to cover all your data. You can always buy more icloud storage, even that will pull you deeper in Apple Ecosystem. I am Lucky luck in ios 15 Apple introduced a temporary way to refresh your data to ICloud, even if you are out of storage, to allow you Swone iPhone. I am If you prefer not to use the cloud, there is another way.

Save till your mac

If your phone is loaded with pictures, songs, app, and years of text messages, you may want a local safe. If you have a computer with some legs to save you, you can plug in your iPhone and click on the few buttons to ensure that all your phone is safely. But the exact method depends on your macos version.

If you are not sure the Apple operating system you have, click the small apple icon in the upper left corner of your Mac desktop About this Mac. I am Another window appears, saying that the version that is running.

Save up to Macos Catalina 10.15 or later

The update to Macos Catalina (2019) becomes with hetuuns, to sapped with three separate app for music, podcastes, and tv. The backup option is now located in the Finger, where you can look for folders and other drives. Steps to warm your iPhone are almost the same as with iTunes:

  1. Connect your iPhone to your computer with a cable. I am
  2. Opened Further and select your iPhone below Locations in the sidebar.
  3. Click on General and choose Save all data on your iPhone to this Mac. I am
  4. If you want to encry your data and password, select Encrypt local backup. I am
  5. Click. Again now. I am,c_limit/Apple%20iPhone%2016%20Pro%20Abstract%20Background%20SOURCE%20Apple.jpg

2025-03-13 16:02:00

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