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How will ‘live updates’ notifications change on Android 16

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Edgar Cervantes / Android Organization

TL; dr

  • Android 16 provides live updates, a new notification sample for the ongoing activities.
  • Live updates are also displayed on the lock screen in both the status bar.
  • These notifications are designed for Rideshare pickups, food delivery signals, navigation and other use.

If you wait for your Uber Drive to come, you probably cling to the Uber app, or you’ve pulled down the notification panel to see those who periodically. Thanks to Uber’s support to Uber’s IOS in iOS, although your friends are not needed to verify or manually check the Uber applications with your iPhone. Android is not currently equal to live activities, but it changes Android 16 By the application of live updates.

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It is a notification type that shows frequently updated information as a live activity, flight, rideshare, delivery or sports event in iOS. It is shown on top of good activities iPhone’s dynamic island And the lock screen is easily visible. Android offers various notification types, including hood notifications that appear in a short way in a window that floating on the status bar. Unlike frequently updated live activities that use the notifications in the title, potentially demanded numerous personal notifications. The new live updates feature on Android 16 aims to solve this restriction.

Progress-based Notifications on Android 16

Mishaal Rahman / Android Organization

Google did not share a lot of information about the feature that announces blog post Android 16 Beta 1However, this regime is partially applied in Beta 1, only beta 1, rideshare apples, support for a new notification style, which shows the progress of something, food delivery or distance. Developers are able to use this new notification style and stages to express the user’s journey through the points and segments of a user’s progress bar.

To make a progress-centered notice on Android 16

Mishaal Rahman / Android Organization

If it doesn’t sound like something new to you, I don’t blame you. After all, Rideshare applications such as Uber showed such notifications for years. Uber had to do his notifications to be a very special job to appear in Android. Google has created a standardized version of what Uber’s doing. With new progress-centric notifications on Android 16 you can create notifications such as Uber any application.

More importantly, progress-centered notifications will be shown more on the lock screen. This is important, taking into account that Google is working on a new business Compact notification shelf on the lock screen for Android 16. When the new compact option is enabled, the notifications collapse a shelf you should hit to expand. Progress-based notifications, that is, live updates, unlikely to this shelf, along with other notifications.

I will not be able to confirm this, and the lines I discovered in Android 16 beta 1 show that live updates will always appear on the lock screen. OS does not refer to as a new notification as live updates, referring to him as live notifications. However, this is just an early copy and talks about the same feature.


Live notifications
Pinned notifications display live info from apps, and always appear on the status bar and lock screen
Show live info
Live Notifications switch on Android 16 Beta 1

Mishaal Rahman / Android Organization

Those interested in these ropes are always noting the live notifications that are always visible in the status bar. Google’s blog post did not say anything on the placement of live updates in the status bar, but promoted / live notifications “can display as chips in the status bar and / or constantly can appear on the screens”

These lines with my previous report Rich Notices API. In October, I discovered a secret team linear interface that allows you to create vibrant notifications of customizable applicable signs, text and background colors. The Mockups appeared as chips in the status bar, as shown in the following gallery.

In Android developer documents, referring to the status bar chips, probably the status chips of live updates are likely to appear. They will always show on the screens interesting. Google, chips or always on the screen No information about how progress-centered notices appear, so we are not always sure that it is possible in Android 16 Beta 1. It is still an ongoing work, so we will have to wait to see live updates in all the glory of a future beta.

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